Sunday 6 January 2013

Wild About Beauty

This Christmas I was a lucky girl, I had some wonderful gifts and I can honestly say, I love everything I received.  One of the gifts I had was a Wild About Beauty palette, their Divine Nights palette (thank you Sarah/Sally!).  This is a brand I've been very keen to try for a while, for those of you that don't know, it's Louise Redknapp's makeup brand, fairly new on the scene it's a high end brand that you'll find in the likes of Debenhams.  For me, I love palettes, they're a great way to try a range of products and work out what you like/don't like of that brand, it's also a great way for a brand to showcase some of their signature products.  Here's what's under the lid.

Top Row L-R Rowan, Heather, Polly, Jody (all powder eye shadows)
Bottom Row L-R Winston (creme highlighter), Molly (blush), Lynne, Louabella (both lip glosses)

My Thoughts

I think this is going to be a bit of a rave review, I'm yet to discover something I don't like about this palette.  Now, usually I'll put the price on blog posts, but as this was a gift I'm going to respect that and not dig around online to find out - I'll leave that to you :)

First off, the eye shadows.  They're really good quality, they have added Aloe Vera, Vitamin A, E and C and are Paraben free.  For me, my favourite way to wear these shadows is Rowan on the lid, Polly on the outer half of the lid and in the crease, then either work Heather or Jody into the crease and outer V to give it a pop of colour.  All colours are perfectly wearable by themselves too.

The creme highlighter is also really good, it lasts really well and blends well - not much else to really say about it.  The blusher - now this I really love - I've worn this every day apart from once since I've had it, it's so pretty - I'll definitely be buying a full size one when it's run out :)  One thing I really like about it, is it's pretty matte, there's not much shimmer to it, whereas most of my other blushers have a certain amount of sparkle, so it's nice to have matte but flushed cheeks for a change :)

The lipglosses, both quite similar colours on the lips, I would have liked to seen a bit more difference between the shades in the palette, but that doesn't stop them being great.  They're not too sticky, they're creme so no glitter which is great too, and they last really well on the lips, you'll get a good couple/few hours out of one application.

One thing I would have liked to have seen in the palette is a mini brush of some description, more for the lip gloss than anything else.  One thing this palette assumes is that the consumer will have their own brushes, but a lot of people I know don't own makeup brushes, and they'd have to purchase some to go with this, or clean and re-purpose an applicator that comes with another set.  Might be something to consider for future palette's ;)

Have you tried Wild About Beauty yet?

This months big pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Angelica from One Little Vice - be sure to head over to check out her beautiful blog <3



  1. I love this palette. it has everything you need in it. x

  2. Never heard of them before but now I'm intrigued, going to keep my eye out for them x

  3. Never heard of this before, it does look an awesome palette, I just have so many that I don't use already though :/
    Charli @

  4. The eye-shadow shades are so lovely! I love Wild About Beauty xo

  5. Such a lovely little palette. I need to stop with the palette buying though aha xx


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