Tuesday 22 January 2013

Week 3 summary - 100 day spending challenge

I'll be honest guys, this has been a really hard week for me.

I've been quite down, very low self-esteem, teary and angry... I've been desperate to spend money on products mostly for the retail therapy factor but you know what, even if I wasn't doing this challenge I wouldn't be able to as we're skint at the moment.  For the first time in about 8 months I've had to stop advertising on other peoples blogs to save money.  I'm hoping I'll be able to start up doing that again in March but who knows.

I think the snow has had a big impact on my mood/stress levels this past week.  Going back to about 3 years ago I'd get so excited when it snowed, I'd be like a little child, giddy with excitement.  Then about 2 years ago we had really bad snow for about 5 weeks and at the time I worked at the hospital and I simply HAD to get to work, even if a 15 min journey was taking 2 hours (which is what happened).  I'd fall over 5-6 times each way and then have to work an 11 hr shift on my feet, not fun.  And as a result of that experience, I now HATE the snow.  As soon as it snows, I'm filled with dread, the hassle of not being able to get out of our close (we live on the side of a mountain), and the feeling of being trapped (that's the worst bit for me).  All combines to make me feel really down and stressed.  So it's not been a great week for me for all these reasons and the spending ban/financial situation.

All in all I've lusted after the same products as previous weeks with the inclusion of the Revlon Nearly Naked foundation and powder which I know aren't out here in the UK yet.

If you want to see my previous updates, just click on the label at the bottom of this post called '100 day spending challenge' and I'll load all the posts :)

How's your week been?

This months big pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Angelica from One Little Vice - be sure to head over to check out her beautiful blog <3



  1. Hello love. Sorry to hear its been a hard week for you but I admire your honesty. Its good that you didnt crack and stick things on a credit card. I hope the snow clears for you soon and you start feeling better.

    Your wishlist items look lovely, I really like the look of the UD nail polishes :-)

    Stay strong- you can do it

    Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Sorry to hear you've had a tough week, I agree about the snow, it can be such a pain! Fab wishlist xo


  3. Awww sorry to hear you've not been having the best time lovely :( I'm sure this week will be better and you've been strong and not spent which is amazing! You should be proud <3

  4. Chin up hun! Hopefully next week will be better. Why don't you try make some of your own products? Like jelly mix for lip tint and banana and oats for a quick face mask? Costs hardly anything and will probably cherr you up loads.
    Roxy's Box of Tricks  

  5. Sorry to hear you have had a hard week lovely. I hope things pick up soon. Well done for not spending, I know I would of probably caved if I was feeling a similar way. So be proud of yourself. Big hugs. x

  6. Sorry to hear you're having a crappy time :( I work in a hospital and always have to be there too and had some trouble getting into work today.


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