Thursday 26 June 2014

How to grow your blog

I thought long and hard about writing this post, but you know what? In the 2.5 years I've been blogging, and since set up a second blog ( I've learned a lot, I've seen what works and what doesn't, so I thought I'd share my tips with you.  This isn't an exhaustive list of everything you could do, but it's a list of pretty much everything I do.

This is a biggie.  For me, my blog didn't really grow until I took to Twitter.  It took me 6 months to get to 50 followers, it was about then I discovered how amazing Twitter is.  It's great for discovering new blogs, making blogger friends, and sharing your content.

Take part in the chats like #bbloggers (8-9pm Weds and Sun) and engage with other bloggers, share links to your posts on there using different hashtags like #bbloggeres & #fblchat.

I'm hoping you have a Facebook page set up for your blog?  If you don't, I'd recommend it.  Yep Facebook throttles how many of your 'likes' will see each of your status', but Facebook is great for social signals in SEO, just like Twitter and G+ etc.  So set up a page, update it every time you publish a new blog post, and engage your readers by asking them what they're up to, or sharing little snippits from your life.  Don't be afraid to share your recent posts with different Facebook groups like #Bbloggers, FBL Chat and others.

Another great platform that a lot of people don't understand yet.  Personally, after publishing each post, I hit the G+ share button at the bottom of the post, write up something about it, and share it publicly. Don't be afraid to go on there at +1 other bloggers posts too, they might return the favour :)

As much as this isn't a massive one, it's great to have an Instagram account - you can add your blog URL into your profile, and share images from your blog posts, as well as images from your day.  These days, I'm probably spending more time on Instagram than I am Facebook, it's a lovely way to engage with people.  Don't forget to add hashtags to blog related pictures too like #bbloggers etc.

As an early adopter of Pinterest (I managed to get in on the Beta) I'm a big fan.  I try to pin at least one image from every blog post onto a relevant board I've created, as well as spending the odd hour or two pinning things from around the web or pinterest onto my boards, even if it's just for inspiration.  It may not send tonnes of traffic my way, but it's an accumulative effect, if you do all these things you should see a decent uplift in your page views :)

Again, I was an early adopter of this, I've been 'stumbling' for about 8+ years now (great way to discover some of the most random sites on the web!).  Just log in to your account, and on the right hand side (far right) there is a down arrow, press that and 'Add a page' - you can only do about 7 pages a day, so get in the habit of doing it every day, or once a week.  This will get your page indexed so that other 'stumblers' might stumble upon it.

This is something I don't have nearly enough time for, but that is one of the most effective ways to grow your blog.  If you're not sure where to start, either head on to Twitter, search the #bbloggers tag and start clicking on some blog links, or head to a popular blog who gets lots of comments like Makeup Magpie, and start clicking on the blog links of all her commenters, and from each blog you visits, all their commenters.  If you like the blog, give it a follow.  Don't be afraid to leave a link back to your blog when you leave a comment, but be reasonable and don't leave giveaway links, and certainly no 'follow me and I'll follow you' comments - make sure they're genuine.  If you don't like the blog, close the tab and head on to the next :)

But just remember, when they return the favour and come back to your blog to comment, keep going back and chatting with them, you never know, you might make some friends along the way :)

If you want to expand your reach further, taking out a sidebar banner with another blogger can be effective.  If you're not sure who to advertise with, don't be afraid to ask a blogger for their stats, i.e. how many visits they get a month etc, or have a look and see who's advertising with them, and ask how many referrals they've had.  Back when I used to advertise with Sprinkle of Glitter, I'd get between 200-300 visits from her blog.  With The Black Pearl Blog, about 150-200 (but I'd be paying £10 instead of the £25 sprinkle of glitter was charging).  Other blogs didn't really send me any traffic, so it's a bit of a learning curve.  But even if people don't click on the link to visit, they may remember your blog name and click on a Twitter link or Facebook link another time as it'll be familiar to them.

Doing a short blog series is useful too.  A couple weeks ago I did my 'Summer Series' - I had a big uplift in traffic that week.  People like a theme and like to get involved, just make sure the series doesn't go on too long.  It doesn't have to be every day, but could be one post a week on a theme for a couple of months.

Last but by no means least, scheduling tweets and Facebook posts is a must.  I trialled it for a week to see if it worked, and I had a big uplift in my traffic.  Remember that you'll have readers from all over the world, where their day is our night, so even just scheduling tweets throughout the night will help. Don't be afraid to tweet out some of your older but more popular content throughout the day too.  I tend to tweet my 'SEO tips' and Google analytics posts, they're always popular, what you'd call an 'ever green' posts, in that it doesn't really age.  Yes I keep them updated with current trends and changes, but the essentials are still the same.

Sorry about the lack of images in this post, here's a couple of cute kittens to make up for it :)

*The middle one is our cat Matilda when she was 8 weeks old, on the day we got her :)



  1. Some fab tips and I definitely agree with scheduling tweets, it is so so helpful! I have also got into Stumbling and spend hours reading things on there and I am almost okay with remembering Pinterest, though not as good as I should be oops, same for Facebook, I have a blog page but always forget it x

    1. Thanks :) Yeah, it's something I'm lazy to do and often forget, but I always see great results when I do :) Thing is with Pinterest, you could just do it once a week and pin things from each post then :)

  2. Fabulous tips lovely! It's amazing what a bit of social media can do :)

    Style Sunrise


  3. Advertising on other's blogs is never something I thought would be worthwhile; but may try it now!
    Laura | A Life With Frills

    1. Yeah, you need to pick carefully - and speaking to other bloggers who are currently advertising on whichever blog you're looking at is a great way to find out how effective it is.

  4. What a really good post, i love learning what successful bloggers have learnt. Lots of lovely tip, thank you.

    FashionProject x

    1. Thanks :) I wouldn't call this blog 'successful' though ;)

  5. This was so useful to me.
    I'm still really new so always looking for helpful posts like this.
    I think i'll give pintrest a try :)

  6. I didn't bother with twitter until a few months in and I cannot stress enough how much it has changed my blog! Its amazing. Another one I do is commenting, not just to comment but I think its nice to let people know you've read it!

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

    1. Yeah - I was the same, it makes such a difference doesn't it! Yeah, commenting is probably one of the biggest, joint with Twitter :)

  7. Agree with everything you said. Great post.
    Water Painted Dreams xo

  8. Really good points. I'll definitely take these on board (:

  9. Great post! I will definitely be referring back to it and following your tipss, thank you.

  10. Great tips - I definitely find Twitter to be a great source for driving traffic, interaction and building a network x

    1. Thanks Kat :) Yeah, Twitter is amazing for so many reasons :)

  11. Thank you for all the great tips. I had considered some advertising, but didn't know where to start. I'll look into your recommendations. Thanks!
    Carolyn | BLOG

    1. You're welcome Carolyn :) Yeah, pick a couple of well read blogs that offer it, and perhaps ask some of the people who advertise with them about how many referrals they get :)

  12. Great tips, very educational it also takes a lot of waiting, dedication and patience to grow your blog :-)

    Leslie xoxo

    1. Thanks Leslie :) Yeah, takes a long long time :)

  13. Wow, this was a really helpful post! I have heard about stumbleupon but don't really get it. After reading what you've written, I'm going to try and get the hang of it a bit more! x

    Lola and Behold

    1. Thanks Lola :) Yeah, it's pretty easy, but like anything new, just takes a bit of practice :)

  14. Fantastic post! It's so simple but I'd never thought of using my share button to G+ my own posts. I'm such a klutz! Reminding me about Stumbleupon is great too, I used to kill many hours there. Brill tips! x x
    Just Me Leah

    1. Thanks Leah :D Yeah that's a biggie, share them all :D

  15. Thank you for your great tips! What about vlogs?

    1. No probs :) Do you mean YouTube? Personally I haven't found it to be very useful for sending traffic here. Similarly if I embed one of myYouTube videos in here, I'll be lucky if I get 10 views out of it, I think they just attract different audiences :) I think it works for the very successful YouTubers, but not your average fry like me :)

  16. Thank you for the helpful advice ^_^

    Laila from Townhouse Palette ♥

  17. Great post lovely! I don't think I fully take advantage of social media enough and haven't done Google Plus or Facebook. If you set up a page for your blog is it linked to your personal profile, as in people can see its your page? If that makes sense? I really need to start scheduling tweets again, I never tweet my blog links in the daytime, just the evening, which seems madness! xx

    1. Hey lovely :) Nope it's not linked, so the only people that are likely to see what you post on there, will be people who've hit 'like' on your page :)

  18. This is so helpful thank you so much! You always give the best advice :) xx

  19. Thank you for all the great tips. I'm going to give "Twitter" a try. I'm not sure I get all the stuff about using the #. Just a little social media illiterate. ;)
    Blessings ♥
    Upside Down Perfection

    1. You're welcome :) Twitter is a biggy, definitely give it a try :) There's loads of great guides out there to help learn Twitter too, like how to hashtags work etc :)

  20. Brilliant post hun, I've never heard of some of these before! I'm definitely interested in growing my blog... so I'm glad I've found some new ways to try and do it.

    Thank you!

    Kimberley | Kimberley's Beauty Blog

  21. Great advise as always. I am struggling for followers/comments so really need to use Twitter more. I like the sound of the chats just not sure how to get involved though. Where do I need to go to find out?

    1. Hi Stephanie, thanks for commenting :) Umm, well, with the chats, just be online on Sundays and Wednesdays from 8pm-9pm and start chatting to other #bbloggers. On Sunday's there's usually a theme, I just tweet the #bbloggers tag to find out what the topic for the evening is and then start chatting :)

  22. Useful post! I would definitely say commenting is the best way as it builds up interactions :)

    Danniella x

  23. Fab tips here! The majority of my referral traffic comes from Pinterest, it's definitely a good one to get on board with :)

    Jess xo

  24. thanks for the tips! I am quite new and I definitely need my blog to be more "out there"... I may need to create a twitter account, Twitter is definitely mentioned in most, if not all, guides to blogging.

    Shanna x


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