Monday, 21 January 2013

TAG: Where I live

Hey lovelies!  Several months ago I discovered A Scottish lass' blog, the first post I read is one thats really stood out in my mind, it was a sort of TAG post about her house and where she lives.  The voyer in me really enjoyed seeing into someone's life, I guess that's why I love vloggers on YouTube too :)  I'd always intended on doing this post, but I've never been that happy with my house, and I'm still not, but realistically it'll be years before I am so here's some snippits from around my home to give you a bit of a 'look and feel' tour :)

Little corner in the lounge next to the TV (you might recognise it from my latest YouTube vids)

Our very new kettle (water still smells like plastic when we boil it!) and my cherished Tassimo machine!

Kitchen windowsill, I use the clementine Method washing up liquid - smells amazing!

The windowsill with all the plants on it :)

Close up of my Orchid which I've had for about 3 years, one of the few plants that like me :)

Our broken oven (hasn't worked in months) and hand towels :)

Our TV unit, xbox and clutter!  And, obligatory Simon's cat card :)

The wall behind the sofa with accent praline colour, hanging my paintings/drawings

Door to the kitchen, also hanging my paintings (when I bought that plant, its total height was about where the leaves now start, it's grown loads over the... 6ish years I've had it)

Bannisters with my bags (some of them) on it... I really need to have a clear out of my bags!

Under this table is Matilda's cat flap.  The big plant my step-dad gave me when my mum passed away, it was one she'd been growing cuttings of and was really small :)  And the pebbles in the bottom of the pic were taken from Newgale beach in Pembrokeshire about 2 days before her funeral.

Tall mirror at the top of the stairs :)

I found this little one asleep on the bed all dozy and cute, so I took this pic and gave her a snuggle :)

The shelf above the bed, the right half is mine, left half is Chris'

My dusty old Jewellery box that my friend bought for me, yes it needs a dusting and tobe organised!

The light in the bedroom (yes we also have glow stars all over the ceiling - I love them)  :)

The light in the spare room (I love it!) - this room is where we spend a lot of time, all my makeup is in there, and the computers :)

My desk - as you can see, there's an absence of my laptop (it's downstairs at the mo) and on the right, nearly all of my makeup!

Makeup collection closeup! Well, brush collection closeup!

Another makeup collection close up :)

I've had this mirror since I was about 15, back when I loved all Sun, Moon, Star stuff - mum bought it for me and I've had it ever since, now it hangs there in the bathroom :)

Our bathroom windowsill with my shower/shampoo/conditioner products on it :)

I hope you liked the little tour and all the notes below the pics to explain them :)  Maybe I'll do another one in a years' time and we'll see if much has changed :)

This months big pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Angelica from One Little Vice - be sure to head over to check out her beautiful blog <3



  1. This is such a cute post! Great for the nosier ones of us ;) xo

    1. Thanks :) I love reading posts like this and I'd been meaning to do this one for aaaaages!

  2. Oh I love looking at peoples homes - I'm so nosy! Also, what a beautiful cat! xox

  3. Totally agree - I love seeing these home tours, I'm jealous of all the space you have for your make up collection :)

  4. Your house looks lovely, I love seeing posts like this that are a bit more personal xx

    Lucy Loves To Blog

  5. I love home posts lovely, so thanks for sharing. I'm starting a monthly interior post with the first one up tomorrow if you want to take a look! Great feature darling :)

    Eda ♥

  6. I really love to see posts like this, you get to see behind the blogger.

    When I move out I will certainly be doing posts like that... until then you all do not need to see my childish room! xx

  7. I'm doing this post too! This is such a fun post to do!

    1. Definitely! Looking forward to seeing what yours is like :)

  8. This was really cool I love plants wish I had all that space to have many different plants I do have some at work which are pretty big and might have to bring home too.

    Loved the tour thanks for sharing a peace of you :)


  9. Hello lovely, Glad you enjoyed doing this, your house looks fabby, we have matching orchids and kettles lol!!


  10. I love this because I am so very nosey. I wish my house was nice enough to show xo

  11. Aw love this post! I really want to put more candles and plants around our house, such nice touches. Love the lightshades and praline wall!xx


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