Thursday 20 September 2012

Fashionista custom palette

Hey guys!  How's your day going today?  So today's post is all about the FashionistA custom palette (by the way people who work at FashionistA if you're reading this, you really need to get a proper website:) ).   

I first saw these in Superdrug months ago and was quite intrigued, I thought it was nice to a budget brand doing something different.  I actually gave away a FashionistA single eyeshadow in my first giveaway, it was a really pretty lilac shade (I was so tempted to keep it for me :p).  Well months have passed, and now I have my own palette and some beautiful shades to put in it :)

Oooh pretty arrangement :)

FashionistA custom design palette each shadow/blush etc is £4* each

Wearing the blusher and eyeshadow :)

My Thoughts

Of these four, the blusher is my favourite, it's a beautiful coral colour, something I've been looking for in a blusher for a long time, and now I have it, yay :)  The shadow is lovely too, it has a beautiful shimmer as do most of their 'baked' products.  I don't tend to use bronzer every day, it depends if I'm going for a 'pale' look or actually want to look like I've seen a glimmer of sun this year.  I tend to lean towards embracing my paleness :)  Oh, you'll have to excuse my dodgy eyeliner too - for some reason I did it after mascara which made it hard :p  All these colours are really pretty and I'm finding it hard to find a negative... maybe the cost - £12 for for a 4 shadow palette is quite steep, but I also always say you get what you pay for and I'm a strong believer of that and the quality of these is brilliant.

EDIT: 17/01/12 After using the blusher for several months now I can report back that this is pretty much my favourite blusher ever.  I love it!  Best £4 you'll spend :)

Have you tried FashionistA products yet?  What did you think of them?

Pixi3 out



  1. So pretty! Superdrug have an offer, where if you buy all 4 shades and the palette at once it's a lot cheaper! I know you can get 6shades and the palette for it for £15... I think :p don't quote me ;).

    Ps. I love the lilac eyeshadow :D xx

  2. Not seen these in superdrug! Really like the packaging, looks a lot more expensive than it is :)

    Would love if you could check out my blog and follow if you like it :)

    I will also be having a giveaway when i hit 50 followers!!

    1. Ooh yeah you'll have to check them out :) Quality is fantastic :)

  3. Nope, I've never tried them out, but they look so lovely! By the way, you're so gorgeous *_* lol


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