Tuesday 4 September 2012

Out with the old

Hey guys!  Sort of a random post from me today - I decided to finally bin some of my old/empty makeup.

Now, that may sound strange, I'm sure most of you bin that mascara/foundation etc as it's used, but oh no, not me!  I'm always battling the hoarder in me, so today I decided to take control and get rid of the stuff from my project 10 pan, and be brave and throw out my old MAC eyeshadows :(  It was hard to do, but I've had them for about 6-8 years and barely used them.  I don't think it would be wise for me to put these anywhere near my eyes when they're that old :p

Some of them aren't finihsed... the Maybelline eraser I really don't like and won't be using it, the Boi-ing isn't finished, but I won't be finishing it... and the rest are either rubbish or empty.  The good news is I have a couple of new things to play with, woo!  

I went to Sainsburys last night and picked up some bargains, I bought some Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation for a fiver!  And 2 Rimmel lip products for around £1.50 each (a kate moss lipstick and a lip gloss).  I also picked up some Maybelline dream matte powder for about £3.50.  And, at lunch time yesterday I picked up 2 new Maybelline mascara's (I actually only really have 2 mascara's now - a Chanel sample I got at the counter, and my lashblast which must be running out soon), they had them on 2 for £10 - so I got the Colossus and One by One - but I'm not opening them until the others have run out :)  Lets hope I have enough will power to follow through with that :)


So tomorrow I'm off to Google for a learning conference with work, I can't wait!  But, I have to be up crazy early :p  So in preparation I picked out my makeup for the morning (pic is below) so I don't have to try to engage my brain at horrendous o'clock :)

Do you ever pick out your makeup for the next day the night before?

Pixi3 out



  1. I need to get my butt into gear and chuck out all my old make-up. I'm surprised some of it hasn't gone mouldy its so old!
    Have fun tomorrow! xx

    1. lol thanks :) Yeah I figured it was about time - wasn't easy to do but needed to be done ;) And thanks about tomorrow :)

  2. Oh it isn't just me then! I have quite a few mascaras which all do the same thing (not much) and quite a few lipsticks some of which I think I may use 'someday'. I also have some darker foundation I use when I have a tan (1 week a year). Can' bring myself to cleanse so well done you :)

  3. Oh it isn't just me then! I have quite a few mascaras which all do the same thing (not much) and quite a few lipsticks some of which I think I may use 'someday'. I also have some darker foundation I use when I have a tan (1 week a year). Can' bring myself to cleanse so well done you :)

    1. Thanks :) It's really hard - especially for things like the MAC shadows, they're like £15 each and hardly used... but it would be dangerous to use them :p And I have had conjunctivitis before from using old eye makeup, ick!

  4. I am so unorganised, I can safely say that I have never looked out my makeup the night before, it's always a mad dash in the morning, should really take a leaf out of your book. Enjoy your conference, sounds interesting xx

    1. hehe I don't often do it, but I know I'm going to be a zombie in the morning :p I can't wait for my conference thanks :D

  5. Well done for having a clear out! I used to hold onto stuff but I am better at chucking it nowadays :) And I am never that organised with my make up the day before anything!!

  6. Sounds like something I need to do! I have so much makeup, and I know there's ones that I've had forever that I need to throw out. I just need to rummage through them all, which is going to take a while! lol As for me, I ALWAYS prepare my makeup the night before an event. It's just the type of person I am lol Clothes, makeup, food, etc. are always prepared the day/night before because I always have to be organized this way, and if I'm not, I get stressed out and anxious. Great post!

    1. Thanks Huda :) I'm a fairly organised person to an extent - but take tonight, I've been spending all my time blogging, tweeting - when I needed to have had a shower, washed my hair, sorted out my bag, clothes for tomorrow, and all I've done is sort out what makeup I'm wearing :p I will be going to bed now though ;)

  7. I think throwing away makeup is one of the hardest things to do. I did a huge clean out about 2 years ago, and still regret throwing some of it out. Even though I am aware most of it was really old anyways and I could not use nowadays anyways.... I feel your pain girl!

  8. Good luck at Google! :)
    Now that you mentioned Sainsburys, I remember last year while on a holiday in Greenwich i purchased some delicious cookies and I can't remember the name of the brand. But there's no way I can get them here, haha random I know. :)
    & I never really pick my makeup the day before, but its such a good idea because I'm always running late! xx


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