Monday 12 August 2013

New Look plimsolle wish list

This past couple of months, I've been really craving a pair of Vans, but they're a little on the expensive side for me at the moment (lets face it, I spend most of my spare money on makeup and not shoes/clothes), and in my search for a more thrifty replacement, I've found some great alternatives from New Look - here's my top 3 pairs of plimsolls for a fraction of the price.
Left: Teens Navy Double Tongue Lace Up Trainers £9.99, Middle: Babycham Black Glitter Lace Ups £20 currently, Right: Teens Burgundy Chunky Lace Up Plimsolls £9.99

I love that the left ones look just like Converse, but with a New Look price tag, £9.99 (only available in Navy) for those is quite a bargain, plus, these will look great with jeans, or shorts, or even a short summery skirt.  The middle ones are pure fun, and by Babysham but stocked in New Look, they're currently on offer for £20 (down from £39.99), another pair that would look great with jeans.  Then on the right we have the Vans dupes (available in Aubergine or Black), only £9.99 and looking very similar they're a great find.  These would be perfect for boat trips, paired with jeans or shorts or a casual walk down the beach - really nice summer plimsolls.

So if your purse strings can't quite stretch to Vans or Converse, these plimsolls could be a great alternative, and with the Babyshams being half price, they're a steal of a bargain too.  They could also double up as a great present for a teenage friend or young niece/sister, I'm not 100% sure I could get away with them as I am in my 30s :)

What plimsolls are top of your shoe wish list?  (oh and if you're reading this in Wales, change plimsolls for daps) :)

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Hayley from Water Painted Dreams


Written by Georgina Kent

*sponsored post


  1. They are so much cheaper than vans but they look really nice. xx

  2. I looked at these over the weekend, love the middle ones xx


  3. So cute! I used to wear babycham trainers as a teenager! I didn't know they were still about they always reminded me of really girly vans? and I used to love the garish prints and bright colours :)

    Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

    1. I'd never even heard of Babysham (I only know it as the drink!) trainers until about 2 months ago :P


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