Tuesday 27 August 2013

Philosophy purity cleanser

A bit of a cult product in the beauty community, there certainly is a lot of hype about this product, maybe not to the same extent as Bioderma, but certainly enough that you're likely to have heard of it.

Whilst this isn't the cheapest cleanser (£27.00* on QVC), you do get a lot of product for your money (480ml/16 fl oz - works out at 6p per ml) compared to other leading cleansers, like the Liz Earle hot cloth cleanser (£13.25 for 100ml - works out at 13p per ml), so in the long run it does work out cheaper, you just need to fork out a bit of extra money to start with.

The Philosophy Purity cleanser is packed with lovely ingredients like flower, wood and seed oils/extracts, but if you're not keen on parabens, it does contain some of them (methylparaben & propylparaben).

It took me a while to work out what the best way was to use this, so, via a cotton pad like Bioderma, or by using hands like Liz Earle.  From speaking to others on twitter and my general experience, I found using it like a hot cloth cleanser worked best.  It's safe for the eyes so you can work it in to your lashes like C&P too.  It removed all my eye makeup, including Maybelline Rocket volum which is just as stubborn as a waterproof mascara when it comes to removing it.  It left my skin feeling soft and nourished and didn't break me out.  It works just fine on a cotton pad too - but you will need to rinse your face afterwards.

I really like this and fully intend on replacing it when it's all gone, it's good value for money and does the job really well.

Have you used this before?  What did you think of it?

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Hayley from Water Painted Dreams



  1. This sounds great :)
    Glad to see a new video from you on Youtube too!

    Sarah | More Than Adored

  2. I have a smaller bottle of this which I am yet to try xx

    Lots of Love Beautyqueenuk!

  3. I've always been curious about this cleanser! I love my No 7 one at the moment! xx


    1. I've heard good things about the No 7 one, haven't tried it though :)

  4. I've been using this for a while and I really love it!! I find it is the perfect morning cleanser!
    I'm currently giving a Stila In The Garden Palette on my blog if you are interested!!


    1. I haven't actually used it in the morning, just at night to remove my makeup :)

  5. I'm getting on better with it now I know how to use it, I'm still on the fence about it. I think for the price tag I can find something that is much better (however a little does go a long way). x

    1. Yeah I know what you mean, it is expensive, but when you look at how much product you get for your money, it makes it cheaper than Liz Earle, and like you said, a little goes a long way :)

  6. I have just started this recently and I use it like a makeup remover with cotton wool pads. I do like this but it's a bit too expensive for me to repurchase once it has finished x

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty


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