Tuesday 30 July 2013

Pink fun nail art

I've had my nail art kit for what... 2 days?  Already addicted!  As you may or may not know, I have a very arty background, so nail art is something I've been really keen to get into but until now I never had the tools.  But now I have this amazing nail art kit (the one that was in the blogger goody bag from Saturday) I can create all sorts of nails!  If you want to know which nail kit it was, it's by Rio and it's the Ultimate Nail Art, Professional Nail Art Collection - it's £29.99* and available on their website here.
Pink nail art - candy stripes, polka dots and more
** Excuse the quality of the photo, but this was taken late at night and with a flash **

I was sitting down last night to write today's blog post and I felt inspired not to blog, but to paint my nails.  They're horrifically weak at the moment and varnish is barely lasting 1 day, so I don't expect much out of these, however, I couldn't resist :)  I did forget to photograph the base coat, but it's the one I recently blogged about, Essie's Off the Shoulder.  So, as much as this isn't a 'step by step' guide, I'll try to show you how I did it :)

To do this look, you will need the following;
A collection of nail art utensils

Step 1 - I should have used a base coat (clear) but I didn't (far too impatient!) so I used two coats of Essie's Off the Shoulder.

Step 2 - I took the white nail art pen (it's a long thin brush) and painted candy stripes down my thumb nail starting at the centre and working outwards.

Step 3 - Polka dot ring finger - I used the same brush and pot (white nail art pen) and simply dotted it on my finger, again starting from the middle.

Step 4 - I picked out 3 different pinks from the rhinestone wheel, dotted the adhesive in a line down the centre of my middle nail and placed each one on each dot, I started with the darkest pink nearest my cuticle.  I pushed down on them to help them set.

Step 5 - French mani - I took the same white nail art pen and drew a line across the tip of my little finger, filling in the very tip.

Step 6 - Glitter!  From the nail art kit I picked out a mini glitter in a snowy shade, covered my index finger in clear nail varnish and used a brush to pick up the glitter from the pot and add it to near my cuticles.

Step 7 - Cover all nails with a thick coat of Essie's Good to Go clear top coat which helps the nails dry quickly, gives them a glossy finish and helps the varnish last longer (unless you have horrifically weak nails like me!).

So there you have it, it really wasn't very difficult, all you need are patience.  It took me about an hour, but that hour went super quickly :)  And, to be fair, half that time was spent deciding what to do on each nail :)

If you decide to have a go at re-creating this look, please send me your pictures on Twitter so I can re-tweet them :)

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. This looks fab, I am yet to break mine open xx


  2. Day off tomorrow so I'm breaking mine open then!

  3. Your nails look amazing, I'd love to get my hands on that kit and go a bit crazy! I've been looking at nail art accessories recently (I've already ordered some dotting tools) but I have to say I'm slightly confused by the brush with the large fan shape head. Does it tell you what to use this for?

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty

  4. They look amazing! I love nail art but im rubbish at it aha!


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