Wednesday 3 July 2013

BaByliss curling wand

They say "The BaByliss 2285CU Curling Wand is a salon quality hairdresser styler, giving you the freedom and flexibility to create curls, flicks and soft waves. Simply wrap and curl - it's that easy.

Designed with advanced heat technology, the BaByliss Curling Wand has a ceramic conical barrel that heats up to 200°C for long lasting salon quality results."

As you may know, I went to a wedding at the weekend, I used the opportunity to do something a little different and curl my hair with my new Babyliss curling wand*.  I'm not the kind of gal who likes big tight curls or ringlets, I like big waves, but I don't have hair long enough to really pull that off, not as long as I'd like anyway.

This curling wand has a couple of really nice features.  Firstly, the way the cord is attached to the wand, it swivels so that the cord doesn't get all twisted - if only my hair dryer had the same attachment!  I really like how clear the LCD display is telling you what temperature it is too.

One of my pet peeves with my old curling wand is that the hair would always slide down to the end of the wand, which meant I'd have to keep re-curling it until I could put enough tension into the hair to make it grip, which isn't great as it's a bit damaging to the hair.  But with this wand it has little rubbery grippy circles going down the ceramic wand to help grip the hair.  It really does help, I didn't have any instances of my hair slipping down :)

All the photo's you can see of my hair curled were taken about 3 hours after curling it, and with no hairspray or product to hold the curl.  My hair still had a bit of a wave at the end of the evening, but not much.  But had I used hairspray or a curling serum, I know it would have lasted better :

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Shang from The Feminine Crusade

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. Your hair looks so lovely! I have some Babyliss heated rollers so maybe if you're looking for big curls you should check them out. I think they were only about £25 and they're really good :) x

  2. Your hair looks so nice! Makes me wish my hair would curl nicely, but it just never does!

    Sarah | Some Sparkle and Shine

  3. I think it makes your curls look natural which is great!! I hate when curls look really fake! Great post xx Rena

    Kiss and Make Up

  4. I love curling wands, and this one makes your hair look fantastic!

    Molly x
    Lyon Notes

  5. looks like the wand is doing its job well!

    - Janine

  6. I love how two of my favorite bloggers did a review of this. It's good to get different opinions on things. Thanks for the review! xx

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Aww this really suits you! :) Great curls, really natural. I have found curling wands can make them look quite fake.

    Lyndsay xx | Fizzy Peaches ♡

  9. Just ordered this, thanks for the review! I prefer it so much more in black than the others in red + pink Xx

    H @ Higher&Haya


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