Sunday 28 July 2013

Keeping it local: Gel nails

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you may be aware of the condition my nails are in.  About a year ago I stopped biting them.  On and off I had acrylic nails done to help me stop biting them when they got all weak and short and eventually I felt I had it under control.  Scroll back about two weeks ago and I was posting lovely pictures of my nice long strong nails.  Then, I don't know what happened, but they got really weak and flakey and then short, very short.  I kept filing them and filing them back when they would tear or get a bit long, and to stop me wanting to bite them.

So I put a call in to my usual acrylic girl, she knows the drill by now!  I wanted them done ready for London yesterday but she was fully booked up until the first week of August.  Then I remembered that my friend Charli (from Charli...) had gel nails done in the village I live in and loved them, so I thought I might give that a try instead and hopefully save my nails more than if I had acrylics, especially as I tend to end up ripping them off (I know, that's really bad...).

Let me introduce you to Jodie's Luscious Locks - she specialises in hair extensions and gellish nails, of course, I was there for nails :)  She fitted me in with only a couple of days notice and for a reasonable price (£15, compared to when I get acrylics done for £30).  Here's a bit of a photo diary of it :)

My natural nails before the gel polish applied
The awful state of my nails before hand, they were seriously weak and bendy :/

The gel base coat being applied
Base coat a go-go :) 

My nails under the UV light having the teal colour set
Colour being set (I went with a nice teal) 

The silver and holographic glitter being applied to my nails
Silver and holographic glitter being expertly added to the half moons of my nails (and faded upwards) 

My finished nails looking really pretty
Voila! They've grown quite a bit in the last week since these were done!

At the time of writing this I've had them on/done for 6 days - by the time you read this though, it'll be more like 10 days (writing this well in advance as I'm away) :)  So far, there's been no chipping or anything nasty like that, just one nail has a scratch in it (which was my stupid fault) but that's it, they're looking as perfect as when they were done, just slightly longer :)  I'll be interesting to see how long they do eventually last for, or whether I end up just getting bored of them and fancy a different colour, but I am using this in place of acrylics as a way to help me grow my nails again.

Jodie was really lovely when I was there, despite me being late!  She was chatty and professional, I'd definitely go to her again, especially as she's walking distance from my house :)

If you live in the Cardiff area and are looking for gel nails or hair extensions give her shout :)

If you're based in Cardiff I'd really recommend her, here's where you can find her and get in touch:

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. Oh these look really great. I loved my shellac nails and they lasted for 2 weeks but I wonder how long the gellish would last. I think they're quite similar.

    Water Painted Dreams

  2. I love the sound of these, I think I might invest I know someone who only puts clear on her nails so they keep growing and stay strong, but also so she can top it with any nail polish colour she wants and as long as she used a non-acetone remover she can change it when she like too :)

    Jamie-Lee | Glitter Infatuation | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

  3. I'm not a big fan of gel polish (it's a bitch to get off), but your nails look fab :)

  4. these are lovely, I was considering getting gel nails for my holiday but I think this has made my mind up! love the glitter xxx

  5. They look fantastic!!
    I haven't had gel nails done but I keep meaning too....
    My friend had them done and they lasted for about 4 weeks...She only got them re-done because her nails had grown and they looked odd at the bottom where the new nail had come through...

  6. Gorgeous colour! Did that bit come off in the end yesterday?!xx

  7. I really want to try gel nails! They look lovely! :) xxx

    Taylor Lou-xo | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  8. Aww I had my nails done by her tonight shes lovely :) Yours look great xx


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