Monday 29 July 2013

July Blogger Meetup

Wow, was that a crazy busy weekend or what!  On Friday I set off to London with the hubby in tow and a couple we're good friends with.  After getting across London and checking in to our hotel, we grabbed a quick bite and headed down to the Sea Life centre.  Now, some may say in what felt like 40 degree heat that may not have been a good idea, but throwing caution to the wind we went there anyway.  Filled full of tourists on the muggiest day I've ever experienced we headed in to see the aquariums.

We saw sharks, alligators, turtles flailing their hands in each others faces (true story... you had to be there), fish from the Finding Nemo tank, cool Jellyfish and two French girls who thought they were on a high fashion photo shoot, only it was just them two posing and looking a bit silly.  After two hours there we were done, we'd been up since 7:30am, travelling and getting ready etc, so we headed to the Slug and Lettuce for some cocktails and dinner.  We were back in our rooms by about 11pm, I finished the night off in the hotel bar with a camomile tea, let no one tell me I don't know how to live on the edge!

On the Saturday we were up bright and early to get ready for the July Blogger Meetup organised by the lovely Helen from Beautifully Superfluous.  We (my friend Vicki and I) arrived at Tiger Tiger about 5 mins late and in a bit of a sweaty mess after navigating the London Underground.  We swiftly purchased 2 pints of lemonade (which came to an astonishing £7!!!) to help cool us down and rehydrate after all the aforementioned sweating.

There were a couple of great highlights, finally meeting Natalie from (she actually won my very first giveaway over a year ago!), re-meeting Sasha from Ramblings of a Beauty Bird (she organised a Bristol meetup I went to a few months ago, but we never had a chance to chat, she was so so lovely!), re-meeting Kat from Tales of a Pale Face (I met her before at the Xmas London blogger meetup in December but again, didn't have much of a chance to chat),  and of course Grace from All That Slap (she's bloody mental!).  I also met lots of other super lovely people, like Vicky from Bare Foot days she was another crazy but lovely one :)

** Me on the left, Natalie on the right **

** Me on the left, Grace on the right ** excuse the blurry photo!

Paperself were also on site doing everyone's lashes, I opted for the little butterfly ones, I say little... they were pretty massive, and that was 1 lash cut into 3, so yeah they might be £12 a go, but if you chop each of them into 3 and use them on the outer edge, you'll get a lot of uses out of them, plus they're re-usable too.

** My butterfly lashes **

** My friends leafy lashes **

After a couple of hours of socialising Helen handed us some pretty awesome goody bags, the only products not pictured are a Benefit They're Real (I gave it to my friend that attended as I've already got one and blogged about it), and a Vivo lipstick (which was in my bag as I wore it today).  For me, the highlight of the goodies has to be the seriously amazing nail art kits we were given.  Nail art is something I've been wanting to get into for a while but never had the tools, well, now I have no more excuses :)  Tonight, just a few hours after getting back home, I've now done my very first nail foils, they may not be perfect, but I love them! I'm going to have so much fun doing lots of different nail looks with these, I'm already feeling inspired :)  I'll be doing some blog and YouTube tutorials for different looks once I've got to grips with it myself too.

So that was my super busy weekend in London, I did of course shop too, there'll be a haul video going up on my YouTube channel this week of my new purchases, so if you don't want to miss that, head over to and subscribe :)

What did you get up to this weekend?

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. It was great to say hi to you ha.... Loved the lashes xx


  2. It was so good to see you again! looking forward to lots of nail arts posts :) xx

  3. Ooooh those lashes are super pretty! I am also looking forward to some nail art posts :)

    Jess xo

  4. It looks absolutely amazing. I was considering going but the transport from Edinburgh was just wayyyy too much.

    Water Painted Dreams

  5. What a great weekend!
    Those goodie bags are amazing! x

  6. Thanks you so much for the mention! So glad we had a chance to properly chat this time! xx

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. The lashes are amazing! Looks like a great meet up x

  9. Wow... those butterfly lashes are gorgeous. And I had noooo idea so many bloggers were based in Europe. I live right next to NYC and I can't seem to find any BBlogger meetups. Oh well. Maybe if I visit Europe and you're all free, we could all meet. :) But yeah, your meetup looks like sooo much fun!!!


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