Thursday 11 July 2013

Essie top coat

Step aside Seche Vite and OPI, there's someone new in town, and they're coming for you!

Before discovering this, I'd been using the OPI top coat.  I lov(ed) it, it was easily the best top coat I'd used, but when it was about half used it became really gloopy and stringy, and hard to get the product out of the bottle.  So I hit Boots and went on the hunt for a new one.  I picked up a cheapy one to give it a try but as I was wondering around lusting over polishes, I spied an Essie one.  I didn't even know Essie did a top coat!

The top coat is £1 more expensive than their normal polish, it comes in at £8.99 and comes in a little box.

Now for how it performs.  It's biggest claim is that your varnish will be touch try in minutes.  Well, it certainly does deliver that!  After applying your colour and the top coat, wait about 2-5 mins and it'll be completely dry.  Of all the top coats I've tried, this is hands down the quickest for drying through the layers.  But that's not all, it also has a really really glossy finish, easily as glossy as the Seche Vite top coat if not more glossy.

It's great at preventing chipping too - but it's not a miracle worker, so if you have weak nails, expect it to chip at a normal rate.  My left hand has really strong nails and my right hand has quite weak nails, with this top coat my left set of nails won't chip for at least 7 days, whereas my right hand is more like 2.

Ladies (and Gents), this is Essie's Good to go - it's easily the best top coat I've used and dries your polish quicker than any other.

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. Ohh might need tot ry out this little gem. I absolutely adore the Essie polishes so will need to venture out and try this with them :D

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


  2. This sounds lovely, I hate waiting for my nails to dry. At the moment I don't use a nail top coat at all -eek-

    Water Painted Dreams

  3. I will definitely try this! I've been looking for a new top coat :)

    Eyeshadow Addicts Anonymous

  4. This sounds fab, even the OPI topcoat that I have doesn't dry all the layers of polish quickly. Sounds impressive and to be honest, not that expensive either! x

    Amy /

  5. Ooh I think I'll give this a try when my Seche Vite runs out xx

  6. I'm on the hunt for a new top coat so this one is definitely on my watch list.

    The Caribbean Flower

  7. I'm a huge fan of Seche Vite, but you've convinced me to give this one a go.

  8. Oh I might need to check this out as I'm not a fan of Seche Vite. I love how quickly Seche Vite dries and how glossy it is, but it does nothing for me in terms of making my nail varnish last longer. Although admittedly I have quite weak nails but I'm addressing that at the moment :)

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty


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