Monday 8 July 2013

Makeup brush storage

I've been putting off doing this post as I have a craft project I'm planning to do to create new makeup brush storage, however I've been putting it off for long enough and thought I'd show you what I'm currently using (it's ridiculously simple!) and then I'll do an updated post when I've created my new storage.

Face brushes

This big mug was one I picked up in Boots a couple of Christmasses ago, it had a knitted jacket on it and some tea (I think), the jacket didn't stay on and it was a little big to drink out of, so I re-purposed it as a brush holder.  It's where I keep all my face brushes, lots of which tend to have big bottoms like the Real Techniques brushes (yeah, I only have 2 but they're big bottomed!).  This will probably be my first project to replace, I just need to find one more thing and I can do my project :)

Eye brushes

This cute little jar I picked up a few months ago in Sainsburys.  It's supposed to be a tea light holder for the garden, it came with a twisted wire rigid handle (which I had the hubby remove).  It's the perfect size for my eye shadow brushes and what's even better is that it was only £2, bargain :)

Don't be afraid to buy things and use them for something else, try buying a pretty glass and using that for makeup brushes, or ornate tea light holders, or even mugs :)

What's your most creative re-purposing?

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. I like using mugs for big brushes too. I just drew on mine with a permanent marker to personalize it :)

  2. They look so cute in the mug. I keep mine in an empty Yankee candle :)

    Water Painted Dreams

  3. Aw this is such a cute little storage method :) I especially love the jar with the ribbon! :) x

  4. The glass jar is a great idea! It looks super cute. I might grab myself a Mason jar to store my smaller brushes.


  5. I have my make up brushes in toothbrush holders & tumblers! One in the upstairs bathroom & one downstairs. The one downstairs was part of a set but my 2 year old broke the matching holder so rather than throw it away, I use it for my brushes. my favourite re-purposing though was a cupcake holder I bought which I use for nail polishes. I finally took some pics. so will have a post on it on my blog soon, if you want to check it out!

    1. Oh my god that sounds so cute! Please do feel free to tweet me that URL when it goes live (I'm @twinklinpixi3) :)

  6. nice post!! kisses :)

  7. I am using something very similar at the moment :-)

  8. The Jar is so cute! I'm using a little pencil cup thing with an Eiffel Tower on it right now! xx Rena

    Kiss and Make Up

  9. Oooh, seeing this has just given me and idea for how I can store mine when I redecorate my room :) x

  10. I love the mason jar idea and I might have to pinch it as all of mine are either in a big tealight holder or on my make up belt! Impractical! Yours look so organised and attractive.

  11. That jar is so cute!
    I keep mine in a mug from Disney haha :)

    Natalie xx

  12. I have mine in pencil holders... not very cute, but practical! :)

    Eyeshadow Addicts Anonymous

  13. I keep mine in a little pouch but I'm thinking of displaying them on my drawer because it might harvest bacteria not being able to air-dry.

    The Caribbean Flower

  14. This is so cute! would you be able to tell me where the white container at the back of the pic is from?

    1. Hi Kirsty, the white pot is from IKEA :) It comes with the plastic plant in it and only costs around £3 :) Cute isn't it!?


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