Tuesday 9 October 2012

Why I started blogging

So Sunday night I was at a friends house.  We'd been talking about our jobs, how they were going and usual friend stuff, when the subject of blogging came up.  They'd seen my blog and asked how it was going etc, but then my one friend asked 'What made you start blogging, what made you take the leap from reading them, to blogging yourself'?  It was a question I enjoyed answering, and thought it would be a perfect one to share with you too :)

Me with my friends kitten at the weekend
So it all started about a year ago.  I can't remember what the first thing was that compelled me to watch beauty videos on YouTube, but I stumbled across Beechbum06's channel and went from there.  Before I knew it I was watching MissGlamorazzi, Fleur De Force, Tanya, Emily Noel etc and spending all my spare time watching hauls, tutorials and reviews.  After about a month of watching them, I had the urge to try and make some myself... the thought scared the hell out of me, but that ended up being the reason that made me do it.  It's often good to do things that scare you :)

So Novemeber 2011 I made my first YouTube video, and wow what a bad video it was!  But I didn't let that put me off, I've kept making them and have averaged about 1.5 a week since.  Coming up to nearly a year, I'm around 180 subscribers on there (not many I know)!

About 2 months after starting my YouTube channel, I'd noticed that a couple of the people I subscribed to on there (Sprinkle of Glitter, Fleur de Force etc) had blogs, which I started reading.  I soon found I was spending my evenings cooing over lovely blog pictures instead of watching videos.  As an artistic person I've always enjoyed writing and thought this would be a great outlet to my creativity, especially as my working hours at the time made it difficult to paint etc.

So in Jan 2012 I started this blog, it's gone through a few re-designs since then (luckily I don't have screenshots of how it looked first of all!), but i'm really happy with where it's at now.  It's amazing to think it took 6 months to amass 50 subscribers, and only 4 months on I have a LOT more than that :)

So, thank you to everyone that has subscribed, and reads this blog, it really means a lot to me.  I know all bloggers say that, but I really do mean it :)  Every time I see a new subscriber it makes me smile and squeal (you can ask my husband!) - I hope you enjoy reading my posts, even the odd lifestyle ones I do like this, and don't forget you can always make requests for posts and where I can, I'll always try to write them :)


  1. That's such a lovely story, I also loved looking at other people's beautiful blog photos and became more interested in blogs rather than videos, I didn't know you had a YouTube channel though, I shall sub xxx

    1. Aww thanks :) Here it is http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMoshachic?feature=mhee :

  2. What a good idea for a blog post. I found this really interesting to read. I wasn't aware you were in YouTube so ill take a look! Xo

  3. Aw such a nice story :) I really want to do a youtube video but Im so nervous to do so lol. .x

  4. Really like this post, I started blogging (just two weeks ago) in the same way, but not videos just written, although i did find your videos tonight while trolling youtube. You give me hope that I may end up getting quite a few followers knowing how you got so many more in the latter part of your year blogging, well in the 7 to 10 months in period. Anyway love your blog and vlogs, now i've found them :)
    Angela xx



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