Sunday 14 October 2012

Busy Bee Candles

Hello pixi3's :)  Now, I could tell you didn't particularly like the Ocado post.  I would like you to rest assured that it wasn't sponsored in anyway.  If you've been following me for any length of time, you'll know that when I really like something, I like to shout it from the rooftops tell you all about it :)  With that in mind, I have another one like that for you today.  Same disclaimer applies, I haven't received anything for this, I haven't been asked to write it, I just love this product <3

I can't quite remember how I discovered Busy Bee Candles, it was via twitter and I think it was via Tattooed Tea Lady, but I started following them and had a look at their site.  The thing that stuck me was the lovely names of the candles, they sounded like Yankee candles or the American bath and bodyworks ones.  So, intrigued I decided to place an order and sample some wax tarts.  Let me tell you at this point, I didn't know what a wax tart was, I actually thought it was a really small candle (wrong!).  It also just so happened that they had some discounts on that weekend so I had some money off my order, yay!

They turned up a few days later, and oh my god, I couldn't get over the scent coming from the envelope pouch!  They smell so good!!!  All in all I ordered Christmas Cookie (my current fav), Chocolate Fudge Brownie, Antique Sandlewood, Banana Nut Bread, Bakewell Slice, Amaretto Nog, Chocolate Orange, Cinnamon Sticks and Fresh Coffee.  They were £1.25 each (before VAT) and UK shipping was £3.99.  They do deliver worldwide too (you'd need to put your details in to get a price).

What I didn't expect is for these to burn for so long.  I've been burning the same one all week and it's still going strong.  At best, I'd expected one to last 1 night, and in a funny way I'm almost disappointed they don't, it means having to wait longer to try the next yummy smelling one.  There was me thinking this little haul would last a couple of weeks, but in reality, they'll probably see me up to Christmas.

Just to clarify too, a wax tart isn't a candle like I thought, it's something you plonk in the top of an oil burner with a tea light underneath.  The one thing you will need to spend money on, is making sure you have enough tea lights to keep these little babies going!

Discount Code

So, knowing how much I loved these, and that I wanted to share it with you in a blog post, I did ask Busy Bee candles if they could give me a discount code to pass on to you, they were lovely enough to say yes :D  So, if you want to place an order, if you use the code BBCGBLOG20 you'll get 20% discount on your order (code expires 30th November 2012) :)  Disclaimer - using this code does not give me any discounts etc, so don't be worried about that :)  

Enjoy pixi3's! 



  1. I expected the wax to slowly disappear but it doesn't.. So when the I noticed no scent was given off any more I just poured the wax away. All my tarts are gone now so I need to make another order soon!

    I have a review on these too if you want to have a peek:

    Chelle x

  2. I love tarts too, but so far I have only used yankee candle tarts. You should treat yourself to an electric tart warmer though, they are fabulous, and no messing about having to change tea lights all night. Mine was a gift from my sister but she told me she bought it from QVC, and I have looked all over for another electric warmer but they are all about the same price, £30 but well worth the money. Maybe you can ask Santa for one :)

    Angela xx


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