Wednesday 29 August 2012

Feature - Tattooed Tea Lady

Hi everyone, my name is Sophia and I run a little blog called Tattooed Tealady. Georgina is a lovely girl who I have recently been talking to quite often on Twitter and she is just such a lovely blogging friend to have! So I am super excited to be here on her blog today doing a guest post. I hope you will all like it!

My top 5 favourite lipsticks

If there’s one makeup product I love, its lipsticks. They can really create a whole look and I just love adding to my ever growing collection. I have quite voluptuous lips so I like to wear shades which make them stand out, as well as shades which tone them down. My favourite shades to wear are nudes, corals and pink to reds.

MAC Honey Love / Revlon Rendezvous / Revlon Cherry Tart / Revlon Romantic / MAC Chatterbox
I can’t deny it, I am a sucker for a MAC lipstick and they are some of my very favourite, and most cherished, lipsticks in my collection. There’s just something about a MAC lipstick which makes me feel like it’s a really special lipstick. I think it’s the classic bullet design of their lipsticks. I particularly love their matte lipsticks. MAC Honey Love is a gorgeous matte nude shade which is perfect for using any time of day, with any outfit and any look. It just compliments everything so well and I love it. I love teaming it with MAC Hug Me, too. MAC Chatterbox has to be my all time favourite pink lipstick. It’s just the perfect matte pink and once I reach for time and time again.

If there is one brand I think has really out-done themselves this summer where lip products are concerned, it’s Revlon. With the release of the Revlon Lip Butters and the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Lip Balm Stains, they have taken the blogosphere by storm. I really love both products and use them most days. They are just so versatile as well as super easy to apply and long lasting. I adore the Revlon JBKLBS in Rendezvous which is a perfect coral shade, and can be built up to be quite an eye-catching shade, as well as the shade Romantic, which I have fallen utterly, head over heels in love with. I have five shades from the Revlon Lip Butter range and I love them all but my favourite has to be Cherry Tart. It’s the perfect red. Unfortunately, this is an American only shade, and I was lucky enough to be sent it in a swap. But I know I’ll definitely be paying the extra cost to get this shipped over to me when this runs out! I love it!

MAC Honey Love / Revlon Rendezvous / Revlon Cherry Tart / Revlon Romantic / MAC Chatterbox
So those are my top five favourite lipsticks! I think there’s something here for everyone and these are shades I would happily wear all year round, not just in the summer. My favourite, favourite out of the five, is probably Romantic. Let me know if you own any of these, or what your favourite shades and lipsticks are, I’d love to hear! You can find me over on my blog which is Tattooed Tealady, as well as on Twitter @tattooedtealady, I’m always up for a natter! I hope you all liked my little guest post today! Thank you Georgina for letting me do this guest post on your blog!
Love, Sophia xo

(Thanks for doing this Sophia :)  It's a great post - you really can see the difference with the quality of the MAC lipsticks, might have to get me some)  :)  Pixi3


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