Thursday 19 September 2013

Revlon nail enamel in moon candy

Revlon nail enamel in moon candy

I've actually been meaning to review this for a while.  Revlon released a few different combinations of these double ended nail pens, this shade is Moon Candy.  It's navy blue at one end, and a bright sparkly blue top coat with shimmery holographic flakes in the other end.

Revlon nail enamel in moon candy on my nails

As you can see, the blue is very dark, but not quite black dark.  This photo was taken a couple of months ago in the height of summer when my nails were in better shape :)

Every time I've worn this, I've had so many people comment on how lovely my nails look, and I know a couple of people who've bought it themselves after seeing it on.  Sometimes it's hard to know if something will work until you've seen it on someone else in situ.  The durability on this was decent, much as I've come to expect from Revlon's nail enamels.  I had a good 3+ days out of it before it began to chip, and even then it was only very small chips.  It wasn't too horrible to remove either, you know with glitter it can so often be a horrific nightmare to remove?  Yeah well this wasn't that bad :)

Sorry this is such a short review, but I don't really have anything else to say about it :P  I picked up mine in Superdrug for £7.99.

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Karen from Liverpool Lashes



  1. I love these but am yet to try them, it looks so pretty.

    Helen X

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Need to try one of these!
    The detailing on your nails is lovely :)
    alicekatex ♥

  4. This looks lovely! I hate the large pieces of glitter on my nail though, I had a similar one from Models Own and it was horrible :(

  5. This is so pretty! I wasn't sure if these nail polishes work well or not but they look great I will have to try one out 😊😊

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. What camera do you use Georgina ? xx

  8. Wow, these are gorgeous! What a beautiful colour & they paint on soo well! Very nice post! I just came across your blog & I'm super happy that I did. Can't wait to see lots more :)

    x leah symonne x


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