Sunday 22 September 2013

My Pandora bracelet

My Pandora bracelet

A long time ago (well, it wasn't really that long ago, it was a couple of years ago) I was given a Pandora bracelet by my lovely in-laws, full of promise on what could be added to it in the coming years.  A year went by and it was still lonely with no adornments, so I decided to rectify that.

My first purchase was this little purple glass charm, I decided I wanted the bracelet to have purple and silver as the theme, and this marked it's beginning.  I bought it with some vouchers I had.
A close up of my Pandora charms

A few months later I won a photography competition at work and in winning that, I received £50 of vouchers which I chose to spend at Pandora :)  The winning photograph was a close up of a snail, so I wanted one of two things, either a camera or a snail.  Sadly, they don't have charms of snails, but they did have a camera, whoop!  I still had £20 left to spend, so I picked up a little hedgehog to keep the camera company.

My two newest Pandora charms

What comes next?  Who knows :)  But I am enjoying adding to my collection over time and can't wait in years to come to see it complete :)

Do you have a Pandora bracelet? Which charms do you have?

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Karen from Liverpool Lashes



  1. I've always wanted a Pandora bracelet or Trollbeads they're so pretty. Love the charms you've picked! x

  2. I have the hedgehog too! I have too many charms to describe separately hehe but there's a photo of my bracelet in this post:

    x x x

  3. these charms are so pretty.
    I only have two charms on mine as mine is all about special occassions.
    I bought the bracelet using vouchers that I was awarded for being Employee of the Year, Spencer bought me one charm for our five year anniversary and another when we got married.
    I'm hoping the next charm will either be for passing my driving test or loosing weight. x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  4. I have a Pandora bracelet....I love it! Only has about 4 charms at the moment but I am slowly adding to it :) x

  5. Dave gave me one for Christmas, I love it, one of my most treasured possessions next to my Wedding and engagement ring. I love both of those charms, good choices. xxx Lxxxx A Scottish Lass ❤

  6. I have one too, and I love it! I love adding charms to it & building it up to be exactly how I like it :D

  7. I dont have one and feel left out because everyone I know has one xx

    lots of love Beautyqueenuk xx

  8. Ahh so jealous love Pandora bracelets they are so pretty! And you chose some really cute charms :) xxx

  9. I have one but it is one of the leather bracelets! I have three charms on it. A turtle, an evil eye and a cute little flower one! I love going into the store and looking at them. I love the camera one you have! xx Rena

    Kiss and Make Up

  10. I'm so glad that you have written this post Georgina. I have one and have often thought about writing a post about it because I only ave about 6 charms so far, but each one has such meaning and I would love to write about it! I love the charms you have so far. Carly.

    Carly's Beauty World

  11. I pick up a charm at every new country/ cool place that I's nice looking at my bracelet and remembering that particular place I went. :)

  12. My mom just got one for me on Saturday, a braided double strand leather one. My first charm is a cupcake and I really am looking forward to adding on.


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