Sunday 12 May 2013

Millie Mackintosh Lashes

Hello lovelies :)  When I headed to London in April for the blogger meetup, one of the lovely things in our goody bags were a pair of Millie Mackintosh lashes.  Now, seeing as I don't watch Made in Chelsea, I didn't actually know she was 'someone' :)

Friday night when I was getting ready to go to a dinner party, I thought I'd give them a try.  I don't wear false eyelashes very often, I find that the glue is always rubbish and won't keep the lashes suck for more than an hour, but I thought I'd give them a go all the same :)  If you want to see what I thought of them, just have a look at the bottom of the pictures :)

Millie Mackintosh Mayfair lashes, available online at Nouveau Beauty Group for £8.99*

Excuse the slight cross-eyed-ness! Husband had the camera VERY close to my face!

My Thoughts

I'm not usually one for false lashes, they don't often do well on my eyes, not sure why, I've always put it down to either having strange shaped eyes, or having rubbish glue (I always use the glue that comes with them).  But when getting ready on Friday night, I thought I'd give these a try.  One of the things that drew me to these over other false lashes I have yet to try was the packaging.  Unlike most lashes in my collection, the packaging alone on these felt really good quality.

Something I was really happy to see with these was the set of tweezers they come with.  It's great to have something to apply them with, other than my less-than-precise hand :)  Plus, once the lashes have been worn out after x amount of uses, you'll still have the tweezers for your brows, winning!

Another thing I really liked about these, they're not too long and don't need trimming (not for my eyes anyway).  That's always a bug bear of mine with cheap lashes, they're always really long and the worry is when I cut them, that they'll both be different lengths, not a good look :P  The strip where they're all joined is very thin too which I think helps them stick down.

I'm happy to report these stayed on very well all night, they didn't lift off at the edges at all.  I wore them for about 6 hours in total and we still very secure when I went to take them off, that's a big gold star in my books!

All in all I'm really impressed with these, they've been the best false lashes I've ever worn and will definitely be wearing them again!  I'd love to try her Camden lashes, they look so pretty!

This months bigest pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Laura from A Scottish Lass



  1. Ooh these look fab on your hun and I wouldnt know who she was either xx

  2. I love these lashes so much, I reviewed them this week too. I like the look of Mayfair for a daytime look so may have to invest in some. x

  3. I don't watch Made In Chelsea either but I've been curious about these. They look really good on you! I might give these a try. xx

  4. The band on these looks great, seems like they blend into your lashes well.


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