Saturday 11 May 2013

Feature: Top ways to make your eyes stand out

Eyes are one of the first things a person notices, and are usually one of the first things people receive compliments on. Here are some ways to make your eyes stand out and your eye color pop.

Get Your Beauty Sleep - Running on only a few hours of sleep takes a toll on your whole body, especially your eyes. A person that is sleep deprived will have puffy eyes that look red and tired, which is never an attractive look. Make sure to be well rested, and your and body and your eyes will thank you.

Eye drops - If you wear contacts or your eyes frequently get red, carry eye drops with you. Red eyes can be sore and look unappealing, but eye drops can instantly clear up any redness. Eye drops are also ideal for dry eyes since the constant rubbing can create redness to the eye.

First, Put on Concealer - Concealer is great for evening out the skin tone under the eyes and smoothing out under-eye lines. Many concealers offer SPF, therefore protecting the delicate skin under the eyes from sun damage.

Next, Use Eyeliner to Line Eyes

Eyeliner is great for creating a dramatic look and truly making eyes pop. There are a wide variety of eyeliner colors that can create different looks and play up different eye colors. When using eyeliner, do not line the entire eye for this can make the eye look smaller. Instead, line from the outside of the eye, and stop a little more than halfway from the tear duct. For an everyday look, choose to line just the top lashes, and line the bottom lashes when going out for a more dramatic look.

Use Eye Shadow to Create Your Look

Different eye shadows can bring out different colors of the eye, and really make the eye stand out. Before putting eye shadow on, apply a primer to your lid to ensure the shadow stays in place all day. For a more sophisticated look, apply a bone color shadow to just the inner corners of your eye to draw attention to your eyes. Using light colored eye shadow can make eyes look bigger and wider. Eye shadow should match well with your skin tone, so if you are not sure which colors work for you then ask a beauty consultant before purchasing.
Next, Frame Eyes with Mascara- Mascara is a makeup product that most women swear by, for it frames the eyes and really draws attention to their shape and color. There is an assortment of mascara colors to choose from, but the go-to color is black since it looks good on everyone. Apply two to three coats, allowing each coat time to dry before applying the next. Avoid putting mascara on the bottom lashes for it will smudge and be tough to clean up.

Curl Your Eyelashes- Curl your eyelashes after you let your mascara dry. This will help the curl last longer and also allow you to decipher how much of a curl you want. Curling your eyelashes creates a wide-awake look, and it is an essential beauty tool.

Bio: Nancy Miller is a Senior Writer for Fashion TV and loves to write and research topics about fashion and beauty. She spends most of her time trying to understand what makes women feel beautiful.

This months bigest pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Laura from A Scottish Lass

 *This is not a sponsored post


  1. Lovely post! Any tips to make me look more like Zooey Deschanel are always very welcome! Haha xx

  2. Fab post xx

  3. THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!! I have woken up with the puffiest, tired eyes ever after an awful nights sleep and I am going to a wedding today. Great tips I will be using to try and make my poor tired eyes stand out. Shame I can't do Step 1, but the rest will work a treat.

    Lyndsay xx

  4. I totally agree, eyeliner makes a such a difference!

    Sparkles and Shoes


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