Tuesday 21 May 2013

How to fix Google adding grey to your banner image

As you may be able to tell I've had a bit of a redesign of my blog over the last few days, nothing too drastic, but a bit cleaner looking.  Let it be known, this was not without major headaches, no thanks to Google!  I designed a new banner, with a white background and when I uploaded it, it had a grey background.  I tried a million different combinations/formats (JPG, TIF, PNG...) and nothing worked.  After having 2 other designers look at it who couldn't figure it out either, I was pretty frustrated.

Finally I sat down with the hubby, and we had another go at sorting it, and after trying to upload it a different way, I had my white background, whoop!  This is how I did it.

1.  Create a new post

Give the post an obvious name like 'IMAGE LOAD - DONT PUBLISH' - this is where you'll upload images to, but it's not a post you'll want to publish.  Then, upload the image to the post how you would normally, (TIP: Ensure you set the image to 'original size') then right click it and 'copy image url', then hit close.

2. Open the upload banner bit

Go to Layout, then to the bit/module whatever you want to call it! and hit edit.

3. Upload your image

Finally, instead of uploading the image by 'choosing from your computer', paste in the url that you copied of the image into the 'From the web' option and hit ok.  Refresh your blog and you should see your image with a white background as you'd designed it, not with Google deciding it should be a grey background instead!

After some discussion on Twitter we also discovered that this works if you host the image on somewhere like Flickr.  The bug seems to be when you upload the image using the 'Upload from computer' option.

EDIT 13/10/13 - there's now a proper fix!  Go to your Google+ settings, uncheck the 'Automatically auto enhance pictures' filed, and that's it, that should fix it :)

I hope this has helped if you're trying to upload a banner with a white background and getting grey instead!

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Laura from A Scottish Lass,
and my Big-Pixi3 advertisers Rachel from Emerald Skies, Tom from Daydream in Blue Sammy from Rambles & Jangles, Katrina from Carousel Diary, Hannah from Bailey Cakes, Lyndsay from Fizzy Peaches and Sophie from Sophie Jane


Written by Georgina Kent


  1. OMG. I had to direct link it too. I don't know why it's greying new banner images. Ughhh so frustrating! I did the whole try JPG, PNG and many formats before trying direct linking. Hope they fix it too.
    Loving the look of your blog <3 xx

  2. I was experiencing the same thing. I thought it was my fault that it was grey. Thank you so much!

  3. Thanks heaps for your post! I'm trying to set up my blog and I've been having migraines over this grey background thing! you saved my life!

  4. Do you know how to keep it from adding a grey edge to all my in post images? It adds a "frame" to all my images and it drives me nuts.

  5. Thank you SO much! I spent a frustrated three hours last night trying to figure it out. I admitted defeat for the night and this morning I found your post. I am eternally in your debt.


  7. Merci merci merci!!!! Should I say more!!
    I spent so much time on this! Thanks you sooooo much!

  8. Thank you so much for this!!! I've just wasted the whole day trying to figure this out.

    Love from South Africa

    Arum Lilea

  9. I thank you so much for this post!

  10. OH MY GOSH! Thank you! I was freaking out for a hot minute.

  11. Oh my god, thank you so much! I can't believe they still haven't fixed this bug..

  12. Thank you! This was an amazing help!

  13. OMG IT WORKED! I've been trying for so so so long and it works!
    thank you so so so much!

  14. You are FAB!!! Thank you so much!
    I stupidly removed it to rename it, but then when I amended it and tried to upload again--- The grey background was there.
    Thank goodness for Google search and thank goodness for this post!

    Thank you lots!

  15. I just tried and mine is uploading it grey to my post... ah!!!! any other ideas?

  16. I just tried and mine is uploading it grey to my post... ah!!!! any other ideas?

    1. As long as you've checked that the original saved file doesn't have grey, and you save it to an image load post, there's no reason there should be any grey. Did you definitely upload it to an image load blog post and right click 'copy image url' and use that? Remember, it only works with the banner at the top, not the background - to avoid that you'd need to upload the background image into the HTML (I don't know how you do that) :/

  17. This still isn't working for me :'(

    1. Ok - just a few details to check then. Have you checked the saved image to ensure there's no grey on saving it? Also, you definitely added it to an IMAGE LOAD post, uploaded the image to it, right clicked and selected 'copy image url' then hit save, then went to where you change the banner and paste the URL in? This fix only works on banners too - if it's a background you'd need to add it to the HTML template (which I don't know how to do).

  18. This still isn't working for me :'(

  19. This still isn't working for me :'(

  20. Thank you sooooo much, I've been trying to figure this out all evening. I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem, I thought I was going crazy!

  21. Thank you Thank You Thank You!

  22. Omg thank you so much; I am eternally grateful!

  23. You are an absolute lifesaver, Georgina! Everything I've googled and tried has failed apart from this!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


  24. oh man, I am so envious that this seems to work for everyone else... it's not working at all for me. I tried from flickr and from your instructions and no image at all shows up. Sigh. I can't figure out what the heck is going on. So many years of using blogger, but this one really has me foiled.

    1. Try this! It worked for me!

    2. That link fixed it for me!! Thanks, Maya!

  25. Oh my goodness, thank you for this! After two hours of frustration I was so happy to find this post. xo

  26. Thank you so so much for this post! You are literally a life saver! :) xx

  27. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! <3

  28. That won't work for me either. :( It wont even show images when I try to post an image URL. Ugh.

  29. thank you! first time this has ever happened. i was racking my brains trying to work it out. i upload all my other images into posts, but as the header is a simple upload from computer, it didn't occur to me that would make a difference. thank again for sharing.

  30. THANKYOU such a big help. I was going crazy

  31. the grey tinge drove me crazy for many years! Thank you for this!!

  32. Thank you for this post on correcting the grey backgrounds!!!

  33. Thanks for sharing this, I have just spent an hour back and forth in photoshop thinking it was a problem with my image. You just saved my sanity !!

  34. After changing the "enhance image" in google + settings, the grey is not showing up. Thank you so much!

  35. Never mind, I got it to work. All I had to do was change Google+ settings like you said :)

  36. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! THAT WAS DRIVING ME NUTS!!! Turning off the auto enhance worked!

  37. The google+ settings thing worked for me! Thank you so much! My white photos turning grey all the time was seriously pissing me off lol. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  38. Thankyou so much! This has been the biggest help! I would never have though to check google plus settings and now it seems to be fixed.


  39. Oh thank goodness for this post - I spent ages (okay, maybe ten minutes) looking through source code and css trying to figure out how to fix this until it occurred to me to check google. Thanks!


    now my banner has a white background! karthisilver.blogspot.com

  41. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Thanks for posting this clever workaround! It didn't work for me, and I figured it out (at least in my case): it's because of the Google+ Auto Enhance feature. If you go to your Google Plus images and find the image in question, you should be able to unclick Auto Enhance and it'll go back to white. Then you can use the image as normal!


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