Saturday 6 April 2013

Out with the old - Mascara

It's a beautiful sunny Spring Saturday so I thought I'd have a bit of a clear out of some of my mascaras. All of these are way past 3 months old, they're probably about... 6 months realistically.  Plus the pot I keep them in had run out of space, so I needed to create some room :)

A bunch of these I reviewed a while ago during my mascara series week (proof they're too old) :)  Here's where you can find my previous reviews:

Pink Papaya
Maybelline One by One
Maybelline Colossal
Revlon photoready 3D volume mascara

I was really surprised that I haven't reviewed 'The Falsies' yet... I've been re-purchasing it for months, well, over a year - here's my quick tip for The Falsies - stay away from the falsies flared and stick with the original 'The Falsies', the brush is better, I'm not sure there's much of a difference with the formulation but its all about the brush.  With The Falsies it's a curved brush that helps to curl your lashes.  It gives them great volume and length and is a firm favourite of mine :)

This months bigest pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Laura from A Scottish Lass,
And be sure to check out my lovely middle-pixi3 advertisers who this month are Sarah from Life in a Breakdown and the lovely Luchessa from Beauty Expression by Luchessa - be sure to head over to check out their beautiful blogs <3



  1. I did this as well and was surprised how many I had xx

  2. I love the Falsies mascara, it's the one I always go back to as well xx
    Lisa // MISSLISA.CO.UK

  3. I'm so bad with mascara, I must have had my current one about a year! I do only use one at once though, and chuck it if I get an eye infection.

    Jesss xo

    1. Naughty! We're supposed to throw them away after 3 months :P I push that to about 6 - they tend to start drying out about then anyway :)

  4. The Falsies is definitely my favourite budget mascara

  5. I only keep one mascara at a time, means I really get enough use out of them all :) x

    1. I wish I could do that, not enough self control :P

  6. Love your blog, now following!! xx

  7. I love the Falsies mascara! Mine is way too old though (I bought it in California in June! eeep)

    1. Yikes! Might be time for it to go to the big mascara in the sky :P


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