Thursday 22 November 2012

GHD Final Shine Spray

Hello lovelies, and how are you all on this fine wintery day?

So today, a non-makeup post for you, a hair care one instead :)  Going back about 6 months ago, I didn't really pay much attention to my hair.  I hadn't cut it in nearly 2 years, it got washed with random supermarket shampoo and conditioner and that was about it (my skincare routine was just as bad).  But since really being opened up to the blogging world and a world outside makeup, I've started taking much better care of my hair and trying lots of new things.  I've started using shampoo and conditioner from lush (I could literally buy everything in that shop!) and I get it cut more regularly, yay for no more split snapping ends!

They say "Add healthy, glossy shine to your finished style with this lightweight and delicately scented spray. Best for: Adding shine and gloss while calming static and flyaways; creating a polished salon-style finish; giving light definition to curls and waves. To use: Mist over your finished style from 30cm. Style tip: For an even lighter touch, spray on your brush or hands and then work through hair."

GHD Final Shine Spray* £9.95 for 100ml available online and at large department stores

You can see the gentle shine across the top of my fringe, also bear in mind, this is unstraightened hair, it's even shinier with it being straightened :)  (so freshly washed, fluffy hair)

My Thoughts

One of the things I really like about this product is the scent, it's sweet and similar to a nice hairspray but without it making your hair hard.  When you first spray it on (about 30cm from your hair), your hair will look a little greasy, but don't worry, that goes about 5-10 mins afterwards.  There are two suggestions for applying this, the first is to apply it direct to your hair, spraying it from about 30 cm distance.  The second is to spray it on to your brush and brush it through your hair.  I've only done it the first way as that seemed to work for me, then I brush it through and after a few minutes, my hair has more weight to it, it smells good and has a lovely sheen to it.  

It's not going to make your hair look like vinyl which is a good thing!  I've used products in the past that do that, and it just looks so unnatural.  The GHD Final Shine spray makes your hair look healthy and with a really balanced shine.  If you straighten your hair before applying the spray, it seems to have a greater effect, which makes sense since straightened hair looks shiner anyway :)  

It's not the kind of product you'd use everyday (in my opinion anyway), especially as it's nearly £10 a can.  I've used mine about 5 times so far and I feel like there's still a few applications left.  I tend to save it for nights out, or if I just want my hair to look extra nice that day :)

This is definitely something I'll be replacing when this one is empty, it's really nice to have it on standby, especially for days when your hair is quite fluffy and unruly, it helps to control the crazy :)

Whats your thoughts on GHD hair products?  I'd love to try their straighteners, everyone and their mother seems to own a pair :p


  1. You are so pretty in that photo, do you even need make up! x

    1. Aww thank you sweetie! I'm wearing a full face of makeup in that pic tho :p

  2. it is looking a nice product as all hair pray make hair harder and gives a bad smell

    1. Well this one smells lovely, I'm sure you'd like it :)

  3. This sounds really nice! You look beautiful too! :) xx

    1. Aww, thank you! Everyones saying such lovely things, makes me very smily :)

  4. I always get so worked up about hair sprays like this because they usually give me that greasy look.. But maybe I'll try this one out! You and your hair look gorgeous:)

    1. Aww thank you :) Yeah, it looks greasy for the first few mins, then it just looks nice :)

  5. I've tried this myself and really loved it :)
    I agree that the scent is lovely too

  6. You are soo gorgeous , lovely hair! I'm puttin this on my xmas list :) xx

    1. Aww you're so sweet! It's a nice spray, I'm sure you'll love it :)


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