The night before you leave, give your hair a wash using intense moisturising conditioner, tong your hair in order to build volume and shape and try to leave your hair as big as possible without using too many products- it will naturally settle and become more manageable over the next few days. You could also try some temporary pastel dip dying to make your hair really stand out over the weekend.
Whilst at the festival, plait your hair before going to sleep to keep a curl and avoid frizz. In the morning, turn your hair upside down and spray salt spray or hairspray at the roots. Shake your hair through, toss it back and you'll have naturally looking wavy hair for the rest of the day.
The number one product you're going to need over your festival weekend is dry shampoo- it adds texture and builds volume at the roots, disguising any greasiness. But be careful not to use too much! If for some reason all the shelves are clear of dry shampoo, then talcum powder will also do the job. You're also probably going to need a tangle teezer to help sort your hair out in the mornings! Avoid using any oil based hair products, your hair will have plenty of natural oils secreting anyway so you don't want to add to it. You also want to try not to touch your hair throughout the day, as all the dirt on your hands will be passed to your hair, making it greasier even quicker.
To help draw attention away from greasy hair, accessories are a must. The top festival hair accessory is of course the floral headband- it can act as a focal point so as to distract from your roots, and can be paired with plaits, such as a loose fishtail, to give you a whole new hairstyle. Other top festival hair accessories are hats (to hide your entire head of hair, if it really gets too much), bows (to hide problem areas of greasiness) and head scarves (to tie into your hair, keeping it half hidden, whilst still looking good).
On the very last day you can put your hair up into a fashionable messy bun, using hair grips and a hair doughnut- this will ensure you can enjoy your last day at the festival without worrying about how greasy and lifeless your hair is looking. Of course, the most valuable piece of advice is watch out for any drinks (or any other more questionable liquids) being thrown over your head, if they land in your hair then there’s not a whole lot you can do to fix it!
Author Bio:
Milly O’Sullivan is a hairdresser and blogger from England. Her interests include fashion and dance music. For all your hair styling needs, Milly recommends The Chapel.
What's your favourite way to wear your hair at a festival?

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight
Written by Georgina Kent
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