Thursday 27 June 2013

Nail art tutorial - Summer brights

If you follow me on twitter you might have seen that I've been keen to start doing some nail art tutorials.  Now, I'm by no means an expert at this - polka dots is about as far as my skills take me right now, but as I learn new ones I'll share them with you and we can learn together :)  So here goes my first  one!

Here are all the bits and bobs you'll need.  A good base & top coat (I'm using the OPI base coat, and an Essie 60 second top coat).  You'll need a bright base shade and an accent colour - pick whatever colours you prefer (this would look nice in reverse too).  You'll also need cotton pads & nail varnish remover to remove whatever varnish you're wearing right now, and finally you'll need a nail art tool (mine is from Avon and costs about £3).

Next, after applying your clear base coat, add 2 coats of your bright base, or enough coats for full coverage.

Then take the bright colour and the tool, dip the tool in the pot and dot the varnish in a central line down the nail - preferably with a bigger blob near the cuticle.

That's it, simple, all done :)

So there you have it, a simple nail art tutorial to begin with.  If you don't have a nail art tool, if you're careful you can use the corner of the brush of the accent colour, you may not get very round dots, but it's better than not doing it at all :)

Here's another polka dot picture for inspiration that I created last night too :)

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Shang from The Feminine Crusade

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. I love polka dot nails!!! Both designs look really pretty.

    PS. The photos are lovely! xo

  2. So pretty :) I use the end of a bobby pin for dots because I don't have a proper tool yet.

    Colour Shimmer Sparkle
    Bree :)

  3. I love adding dots to my nails, although I don't have much time to do it at the moment. I love both these designs the colours go really well together x

  4. My hand will not stay steady enough for this ! I love the concept though!

  5. I love polka dot nail art, it's so simple but looks so good! xx

  6. I really like the base green coat! It's so bright and fun! xx

    Daphne | Peanut Butter and Chocolate | bloglovin'

  7. You green pastel nail colour is so pretty. I love to wear such shades in summer. x

    Shang J.| The Feminine Crusade

  8. Love this! I wish I was this good at nails! Beautiful xx Rena

    Kiss and Make Up


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