You may or may not have seen a couple of days ago I featured my Biggest Pixi3 advertiser, well, now it's time to turn my attention to the rest of my lovely advertisers.
Anoushka loves
Anoushka has been one of my Big Pixi3 advertisers for October, her blog is full of lovely posts like her final instalment of the SO project (starting off project). It's a project over 130 bloggers took part in, can you imagine that many new up and coming bloggers all taking part in one project! I bet that was a lot of reading to keep up with :)
Those stars that shine
Sarah was also one of my Big Pixi3 advertisers for October. She's written a record breaking 31 posts so far this month, yikes! I think it's fair to say she's found her blogging groove :) She's written some great posts recently, one of my favs is about her 'starting off: makeup tools', a great post if you're just starting to wear makeup :)
You might well be familiar with Shona, she's very active on twitter and in the blogosphere :) She's recently had her blog redesigned and it looks so so pretty! She has a really lovely blog and Shona is such a sweet person, be sure to check her out :)
What can I say about lovely Amy? She's redesigned my blog and given me a beautiful blog header, she has a beautiful blog herself with fantastic photography. She's been blogging for nearly as long as me and is bound for great things!
Laura is a fellow local Cardiff blogger just full of loveliness :) She mostly blogs about fashion, lifestyle, and parenting. She put up a beautiful outfit of the day (well, it was really about shoes) yesterday, I adore the top she was wearing!
So why not head over and have a look at these lovely blogs today, and tell them I sent you :)

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Jess from Coffee Cosmetics
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