Wednesday 10 July 2013

Illamasqua lipstick in Eurydice

Remember about a month ago when Illamasqua did a 50% off flash sale on Twitter?  Well, I jumped on that bandwagon and made my first ever Illamasqua order.  This is one of the beauties I picked up :)

Eurydice is pretty much a matte lipstick, and super long lasting.  I pretty much always apply it with a lip brush first so that I can get a perfect defined outline, then I fill it in with the brush and I'm ready for the day / party.

Then when I'm out if I need to top up I just apply it direct from the bullet.  The colour is really well balanced, not like some cheap lipsticks which can apply a bit patchy or go patchy after a couple of hours.  It's not too drying for a matte lipstick, after it's applied it feels really well set, it's just a shame I don't have bigger and better shaped lips to do it justice :P

There's a massive 31 shades in their standard lipstick collection, ranging from nudes, to blue, green, purple, pink and black, so there's pretty much something for everyone and every mood.

You can pick one up from your local Illamasqua counter or online for £16.50.

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Stacie from Life is worth the fight

Written by Georgina Kent


  1. I also purchased my first Illamasqua lipstick from their 50% twitter sale and really love the formula. Eurydice is such a pretty colour. ♥

    Shang J.| The Feminine Crusade

  2. hi hun! this shade looks lovely on you! I bought this as well but in the 'easter hunt’ I think... can’t remember but was a bargain price as well! great purchase hun! <3 big hugs <3

  3. I agree that these wear really well. I don't have this shade but it's easily one of my favourites from the line. It looks gorgeous on you too :)


  4. This lipstick shade is my kind of shade. Looks absolutely stunning :) Price is quite reasonable too! It definitely suits you.

    Jess // Coffee and Cosmetics xo

  5. Amazing post :)
    Check out this new giveaway, summer clothes and $100 gift card!
    Wanna follow each other?

    Your Princess is in Another Castle

    xx Sofie

  6. Ah gotta love the Illamasqua sales, I've gotten such cheap stuff from there before! Once I managed to get one of their blushes for only £7 including postage!

    - Rhi x

  7. Beautiful color! I always wear shades like this!

  8. This is a really pretty colour and it looks lovely on you x

  9. Such a beautiful lipstick! I am a sucker for pink lip combos :D Have only ever tried one Illamasqua lipstick...really tempted to venture out and try a few more :D

    Sophia Meola | A Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog


  10. outstanding colour.

    - Janine

  11. Love the shade; I'm not a fan of Illamasqua lipstick though. I bought a coral shade which wasn't very highly pigmented, despite their advertising as a (costume) makeup artists' brand. Was slightly disappointed, but hey, it was 50% off!

    Much love,
    Jennifer x

  12. Wish I'd been able to take advantage of their twitter sale. Their blushes, and foundation, and now their lipsticks have me wanting them soooo bad!


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