As always - if you're interested in advertising on my blog, just click the Advertising button above this post to see what each package offers, I like to think there's something for everyone :)
First of the advertisers this month is the lovely Angelica from One Little Vice.
Hello! I’m Angelica and I write One Little Vice which is primarily a beauty blog but also features lifestyle posts as well as the odd fashion post now and then. I’m a big fan of trying new products so I’m always posting lots of reviews of make-up, skincare and hair care. Although I don’t exclusively write about them, I do love natural products and really enjoy trying out new brands. As a student, with the matching budget, I appreciate a good bargain and I tend to post regularly on good deals that I come across so if you’re a bargain hunter like me those posts are always worth a look. Above all though One Little Vice is somewhere where your voice is always welcome! I started my blog as a way to communicate with fellow beauty lovers so I always really appreciate comments and love having people contact me on twitter, especially if it's to talk about beauty products! So if you do check my blog out and want to get in touch you're more than welcome!
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Next up we have the lovely Sally from The Human Mannequin.
Hi! I’m Sally a 22 year old London based blogger and I run The Human Mannequin. It is a new and upcoming plus size fashion and lifestyle blog featuring anything from outfits of the day posts and upcoming trends to travelling and body confidence. The main theme is that beauty comes in all sizes and I want to show other ladies that having curves doesn’t have to hold you back or stop you from being confident and fabulous! I am a complete fashion and beauty junkie and constantly spending my well earned dollar on things I probably don’t need but if I blog about them it’s almost justified... Almost! Do pop over and say hello, I’ d love to hear from you all and I’m also an avid tweeter if you ever fancy a chit chat X
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Next, is the sweet Sarah from Life in a Breakdown
Hi I'm Sarah and I blog over at Life in a Break Down, I don't really have a topic - I just randomly ramble about whatever takes my fancy, so hopefully you might find a bit you enjoy - I would love it if you took a minute to stop by and say hi!
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Next we have the lovely Luchessa from Beauty Expresion
I’m a thirty-something metropolis girl, with experience of living on different continents, speaking several languages, a big passion for makeup & beauty products, and a recent urge to share my knowledge and tricks that I learned over the past years.
I really hope 2013 is going to be a great year of beauty and trends, traveling, new delicious food, healthy lifestyle, passion & dreams and the sharing it all with similar minded beauties out there.
Stop by any time and see for yourself what "Beauty expression by Luchessa" is all about.
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And last, but certainly by no means least, the lovely Fiona from Dolly Dowsie
I am a history and English literature graduate, from Ireland. I blog about all things beauty, fashion and lifestyle. I love make up, fashion, snail mail, entering competitions and crafting. My blog is filled with all the things I love, highly recommend and want to share with the world.
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This months bigest pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Laura from A Scottish Lass,
And be sure to check out my lovely middle-pixi3 advertisers who this month are Sarah from Life in a Breakdown, Angelica from One Little Vice, Fiona from La Belle Dame Sans Merci, and Sally from The Human Mannequin, and the lovely Luchessa from Beauty Expression by Luchessa - be sure to head over to check out their beautiful blogs <3
And be sure to check out my lovely middle-pixi3 advertisers who this month are Sarah from Life in a Breakdown, Angelica from One Little Vice, Fiona from La Belle Dame Sans Merci, and Sally from The Human Mannequin, and the lovely Luchessa from Beauty Expression by Luchessa - be sure to head over to check out their beautiful blogs <3
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