Saturday 14 July 2012

Natio Soap Review

Hey guys, so ages ago, in May I think, I had a bar of Natio soap in my SheSaid beauty box.  It smelt lovely, but seeing as I still had a fair amount of Lush soap left in the bathroom I waited for that to run out so I could try the Natio one, which I'm now using, for what they're worth, here's my thoughts :)


I love this scent, it's a gentle floral natural scent, it's not too overpowering or too subtle.  It leaves my hands smelling clean and fresh, just what you want in a soap really :)


This for me, is the most important part.  I tend to often find I can have reactions to soap on my hands, whether that's dry or itchy skin etc, but this leaves my hands feeling soft, clean and gentle but not greasy.

Buy again?

That's the million dollar question eh, the answer is No.  Not because it's a bad product or because I didn't like it, because I did.  It's simply because there are others I prefer.  I would always lean towards the Lush 'Honey I washed the Kids' soap.  I'm a sucker for honey scents (sweet smells are my fav!) and this Natio soap isn't a sweet scent, so for that reason, it's just not for me.  But it does make my hands feel very soft and lovely :)

Pixi3 out

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