Tuesday 5 November 2013

Sigma brushes

The Sigma F80 brush

Amazing Sigma brushes

Oh beautiful brushes, what did I do before you were in my life?  More to the point, oh F80 brush, what did I do before you were in my life!?

After trying EcoTools, Models Own and Bdellium, I decided to venture into the world of Sigma.  My first brush I bought a few months ago and instantly fell in love.  So a few weeks ago I set about ordering one from Beauty Chamber.  A few days later it arrived on my doorstep.  I've heard so many amazing things about this brush, and seen so many YouTube videos of people using it to blend their foundation, making it look airbrushed.

The next day when I was applying my makeup I reached for my F80 and, oh, my, god did it make my foundation look uh-mazing!  At the time I was trying out a teeny sample of NARS Sheer glow and wasn't sure if it was the foundation or the brush making my skin look great.  So the next day I moved on to my usual Dior BB Cream and once again, oh, my, god did my skin look great!  It's the brush!!!

Once I realised how amazing this is, I've tried it with lots of other foundations, and get similar results. If this isn't in your makeup kit yet, then it needs to be!  It's the best £15 I've spent in a long time.

Beauty Chamber were sweet enough to put a couple of other Sigma brushes in with my purchase too. There's a blending brush, a liner brush and an E70 angled shadow brush (£8.95*) - all of which are equally as brilliant!  The liner brush has a really good point to the tip, perfect for gel liner, and the blending brush is fantastic, far superior to my ecotools blending brush I have, it blends the edges much more and much better.  Finally, the angled shadow brush - perfect for adding colour to the crease up to the brow bone. The soft synthetic bristles do a brilliant job of blending all the shadows together.

What's your favourite Sigma brush?

This months Bigest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Jess from Coffee Cosmetics



  1. Great review :) I have tried the mini version of the blending brush and its amazing. Do you think its worth buying a couple of single brushes and try them first before buying an expensive big set? xo

  2. Love the F80. Creates such a flawless but still natural looking base! xx

  3. Ooh I think I'm going to have to try this out myself! My friend swears by it too. xx

    Gemma // DuggyDimples

  4. I have heard so many good things about sigma brushes, I will have to try them x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  5. Great review I really want to try the F80. It seems so great.


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