Wednesday 12 December 2012

Blogmas Day 12 - A She Said Disappointment

I'm sorry to break the jovial festivities that is a super Christmassy blogmas, but after waiting a week for my She Said beauty box to be delivered, then getting it and being bitterly disappointed with it, I felt compelled to write about it.  I actually already had posts scheduled for today that I've moved so I could write this.

I've been subscribing to She Said since their 2nd or 3rd box, totally loved their style, the products, the price, the service, the beauty network, all of it.  But over the last few months I've grown to be more and more unhappy with the contents of the boxes I'm receiving.  Two months ago I decided that if last months' box wasn't great, I was going to unsubscribe, then it came and was actually pretty decent.  I'd foolishly assumed the Christmas box would also be great, seeing as it's Christmas, but oh no, boy was I wrong.  What I was sent, was far from what I'd expect from them.  I'll be honest, I was also a little disappointed that there wasn't anything festive about the box and packaging.

Here's what I got (excuse the photo's, it was dark when I got home).

First off, I know this sounds a bit like an ungrateful whine, but lets be honest, I've paid for this, and as a consumer I want to feel like I'm getting my monies worth.  The nail varnish, yes it's a nice colour, but seriously far from what I'd expect from this box (it's rrp is £1.25), then the eye shadow.  Again, nice colour, very very dry, but the worst part, what the hell am I supposed to put it in?  It comes in this rubbishy plastic protector and is like it's been removed from it's palette.  So, not likely to be something that I'll use much as the packaging is so bad.  The face oil (Orico) yeah... maybe it's ok, but having acne prone skin I'm not all that enamoured with adding oil to already oily skin.  Then we come to Doctor Duve, apparently each full size item would be over £100, yeah so that makes up for a poor selection of other stuf?  Then the free gifts, clay mask, nice, thank you - tea bags... really?

Yes I may be finding reasons not to like this box, but I feel like they give you about £3 worth of products for 2-3 months, so that they can afford to do a decent box with decent items in it and that's not how it works.  I expect a box of luxury sized high end samples.  I don't need items to be full sized (as nice as that is), I'd rather it was things I wouldn't usually be able to afford or discover new things.  Which is why I've now unsubscribed.  In Jan I'll be trying out Jolie box instead.  I never really see people moan and whine about the content of their boxes like they do she said and glossy box.

All in all, out of about... 6+ boxes I've had from She Said, I've been happy with 2 of them.  Just not good enough, this was for me, the final straw.  Sorry if this was a bit ranty for you, but there were just things I wanted to say and share with you, being as honest as I could be.

What did you think of your she said box this month?  

This months big pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Anastasia from Fashion Ramble - be sure to head over to check out her beautiful blog <3


  1. Your box is worse than mine :( I'll be putting my post up tomorrow x

  2. Haven't even had mine yet and it was supposedly dispatched LAST Monday...a bit dubious of it's arrival now :( xx

  3. I unsubscribe from Jolie Box last month as I was sick of rubbish products!!!

  4. I'd be so pissed of if I get a technic polish in a box, regardless of what else was in there x

  5. wow that's a really crap box! definitely be subscribing now

  6. I've become really disappointed with Beauty Boxes in general! I wrote a little post about it a while ago after receiving the disastrous Selfridges Lucky Bag :/ Now I save my money to buy products I actually want! x

  7. I'm rarely wowed by she said, its such shame because like you, I loved everything about the idea of it xx

  8. Ah man, I was pleased with my box this month! It's a shame everyone didn't get the same thing. I got the nail polish, the face/eye cream samples but also some colored contacts and an eye mask. I felt they made up for it. Such a shame everyone doesn't get similar things :(

  9. I think I'd be disappointed with this box too!xx

  10. Oh wow that is a disappointment, I would not be happy to receive that box...

  11. I've been disappointed with my last couple of boxes and November's was my last box. Thought in theory December's would be good but doesn't look like I've missed out on much! xx


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