Sunday 2 December 2012

Blogmas Day 2 - Advent Calendar Picks

Hey guys!  Welcome to Blogmas Day 2!!!!  So exciting!  Well, it's the 2nd of December and as I'm sure many of you have already got your advent calendars, I thought I'd put together a little guide of some of the ones I've been lusting after or like the idea of :)

For your inner geek/child

Lego Star Wars calendar (with a santa darth!) £24.99
It says ages 6-14 but I know someone who's like, 26 who has this :)  If you like lego, or star wars then I'm sure you won't be disappointed.  You have a different character every day, how great is that :)

The Selfridges Beauty Calendar

I believe this was around the £80 mark and that it's sold out - the reason I added it to this list is just because of how spectacluar it is :)  So many products / samples, it's a bloggers dream, I mean you'll have over 20 products right there to review, and a nice selection at that :)  This was a must have in the beauty world, but sadly not all of us can afford it or were quick enough, I still like lusting after these though :)

Ciate Mini Mani Month Calendar

You could quite happily have this for any time of the year to be quite honest, 24 mini ciate polishes including glitter top coats and caviar finishes.  From what I can tell this one is also sold out everywhere but how cute is it???

Traditional Wooden Calendar

You can buy these in loads of places, christmas shops, online on places like amazon or if you're feeling particularly creative you could make one yourself :)  If you have a sweet tooth perhaps put a sweet or chocolat behind each door, or for more festivity put a special ornament behind each one to add to the tree :)  (oh, and of course, makeup, nail polish etc)  :)

The You Magazine Beauty Calendar

I believe this is still available, it costs £59.95 and has over £200 worth of items in it.  If only I'd known, it has the PerriconeMD no foundation foundation (I have the No concealer concealer), I'm dying to try that!  Also has brands like L'Occitane, Benefit, Philosophy to name a few.  If I had that amount of money spare, I'd be buying it ;)

So there you have it, my top 5 picks for advent calendars for this festive season, I'll be making do with the one work gave me (a simple little one with a little choccy behind each day).  One thing I will say, since when did advent calendars stop on Christmas Eve?  Why no surprise for Christmas day?

What advent calendar do you have this year?

This months big pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Anastasia from Fashion Ramble - be sure to head over to check out her beautiful blog <3



  1. I've bought my little brother the star wars calender! He absolutely loves it xo

    1. I nearly bought it for my husband but he didn't want me to spend so much money on it, ah well, his loss :p

  2. My little brother got the star wars calendar for Christmas once! Great ideas :D

  3. Ah the Selfridges calendar *swoon* it looks gorgeous. I only saw the Lego one when Anna Instagrammed it earlier in the week, wish I had known about it sooner as it would have been perfect for my boyf or brother both who have an inner geek/child. I love the idea of the classic wooden ones though and filling them up with your own treats, perfect if you have children :-)

    beckys makeup

    1. Thanks - I think they're pretty good picks, something for everyone :)

  4. I really want the Ciate one, but can't afford to treat myself. It's actually in stock again at the minute!

  5. I really really really want the lego one! x

    1. Yeah it's super cute :D You should treat yourself to it :)


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