Friday 25 April 2014

Yes to cucumbers? Perhaps not...

Yes to cucumbers

If you read my April Birchbox post, you'll know I was pretty excited to see these in my box, something different and something that sounded interesting, and that I'd actually use.

Now, normally with anything remotely skincare related, I'd really put it through it's paces before reviewing, but with this little package, I only needed a few days.

The first time I used them I loved the scent, they really do smell like fresh cucumbers and are very cooling on the skin, oh and the packaging is cute.  That's about as positive as this review will get I'm afraid.

After using them for 3 nights in a row to remove my makeup, my skin gradually got worse and worse. By the 3rd night, my skin was starting to burn when I used these, they were coarse and rough, but not like they were exfoliating, more like a light sandpaper.  Then the worst thing, it's brought out excema on my cheeks, making them very very dry, not something I'm used to having given that I usually have very oily skin.  Each day that I used these my skin got worse and worse, I wasn't using any other 'new' products, this was the only change in my routine so I know it was them.  Also, I could feel it when I was using them, they were really irritating on my skin.

So... would I purchase these again?  Absolutely not, I won't be finishing this pack.  I know it seems early to judge them, but my reaction was so severe I couldn't use them any further.  What's more, when I tweeted about it the other night, another girl tweeted me saying she'd had the same reaction :/

I just wanted to share my experience with you, it's not all about 'the good' side of stuff here :)

This months Biggest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Jaina from Which Beauty Box UK



  1. What a shame that it didn't work out but thanks for the honest review! I'll stay well clear of this. Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

    1. Thanks :) Yeah, I loved the scent so was very hopeful about them, ah well

  2. Too bad :( I hope you're better now! Mine are still not here, but I'm already scared to use them after my awful experience with Lush :(

    1. You had a bad experience with lush? :( I'd be careful using them when they arrive :)

  3. Ohh such a shame as I love the scent of cucumber, not too surprising to me though as I have tried a few different face wipes with a cucumber scent and they have always left me with dry patches after just a couple of days and I don't even have particularly dry or sensitive skin. Nice review that will stop me wasting my money on these!

    Lisa x

    1. Oh that's not good... it's strange though, cucumber on the eyes is great, it amazes me that cucumber face wipes can be so irritating to my skin!

  4. Ouch!!! I remember trying cucumber face wipes from another brand in the past, I think they were Boots own brand and they really irritated my skin. The only face wipes I can use now (occasionally) are the Ole Henriksen Truth To Go wipes.

    1. I'm hoping to try the Ole Henriksen ones soon :D I need to give my skin plenty of time to recover though :/ It's still so dry and full of eczema, I'm slathering on the E45!

  5. I don't tend to buy face wipes anymore, but I had heard lots of amazing things about this brand I maybe would have considered these for emergency wipes. Thanks for sharing your experience, I'll stay clear! :)

    1. I stopped using them for ages, then started again (just to remove the makeup - I then cleanse etc after) but I certainly won't be finishing this pouch off!

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah :/ I can't wear any foundation right now, there's just too much dry skin on my face :(

  7. Oh dear! :( thank you for warning!

  8. Oh no! I hope your skin is improving.
    I have the Yes to Blueberries wipes and they're okay - nothing to write home about, but they were on a mega-sale so nothing lost.

    1. Thanks :) I think it might get a bit worse before it gets better, the eczema is spreading at the moment (to my ears) - it doesn't look bad in real life, but I can feel it, and it's sore. I saw someone else link me a review on the Blueberries one, and they irritated their skin a bit :/

  9. Oh gosh that's awful :( I don't blame you for not continuing to use them

  10. I've never had any good reaction with face wipes from any brand, they often have high alcohol content in which I find burns on my skin and has caused rashes. What a shame that these caused eczema on your skin. If I ever get any in beauty boxes, I use them for wiping down my dressing table when I inevitable spill makeup on it.... saves them going straight in the bin :) xxx

  11. Oh no:( I hope your skin recovers soon, I have been thinking about purchasing these for a while but definitely won't be now :)

  12. I've heard so many good things about these & was thinking about trying them, I think I'll pass now as I am already an eczema sufferer D: xx


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