Monday 2 June 2014

My top 10 favourite films

Now, this is going to be tough, I'm a bit of a film-buff, so picking only 10, from all genres is going to be a challenge!  I think what I'll do, is put a list together (not exhaustive) of honourable-mentions at the bottom too :D

So, in NO particular order here goes!

My Neighbour Totoro
My neighbour totoro

About 6 years ago I watched my first Studio Ghibli film, Spirited Away.  It was a sunny Sunday morning and we were sat on the sofa eating cereal (my fav time to watch these).  We were both captivated and lost in a magical anime world, and since then have gone on to watch most of their films and build up quite a collection.  My Neighbour Totoro is one of my favourites from the Ghibli collection - I even have a Totoro teddy bear that sits on my desk behind my MacBook :)

Oceans Eleven
Oceans Eleven

As much as I'm a fan of all 3 Oceans films, the third one in my opinion is definitely the best, it's the one I've watched time after time and is just so clever.  I love that all the actors took big pay cuts to make this film since there was a really tight budget, and it all came together beautifully.  I pretty much watch this about once a month, although about a year ago I was probably watching it about 3-4 times a week (not kidding)

Fight Club
Fight Club

I'm a big fan of Brad Pitt, I think a lot of women are!  But this film, apart from having epic outro music (The Pixies - Where is my mind) is so incredibly clever.  The first time I watched it, I didn't see the twist coming, then when you re-watch it, you see so many little clues along the way giving you hints and tips.  I love gritty films like this, I'm almost always up for watching it :)


Such a great, off-the-wall quirky little film, starring the amazing Ellen Page as a teenager who gets pregnant.  It's worth discovering this film for the soundtrack alone, which I listen to on a near weekly basis, although I appreciate it's not for everyone!  Quirky indie-style films are my favourite, they seem to have more depth than the ultra-big blockbusters and just have a different feel about them all together which I love.

Office Space
Office Space

Another great quirky film which has become an underground cult film, with places like Think Geek selling Office Space survival kits complete with TPS reports, a red swinline stapler (which swinline had to put back into production as demand was so high after this film) and a badge saying 'Somebody's got a case of the Monday's' (yes, I have this kit).  If you've ever worked in an office, then you NEED to see this.  I'm pretty gutted Sky got rid of the Sky Indie film channel, that's where I'd see so many of these great films.


I'll never forget the first time I watched this.  I'd moved out from my student house and into a flat all by myself for the first time.  I had a cute little lounge with a little red loveseat, Chris (hubby now, boyfriend then) was working late at the pub and was popping over after.  I poured myself a glass of red wine, and put the film on (I had a VCR back then (only 11 years ago!) and recorded it from the TV). I was completely caught up in it - it was the first French film with subtitles I'd watched and I loved it. Again it was quite quirky, the director (Jean-Pierre Jeunet) approaches films like a true artist, the films was pretty much red and green in colour (not good for colourblind people!).  It's a great story approached beautifully and very comically by this amazing director :)

Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day

I put this in my list, not because I think of it as one of my favourite films, but because every single time I see it on TV I always, without fail, put it on.  That must mean something?  I don't know what it is, but I love it, such a simple idea - the guy lives the same day over and over again until he perfects it, but I love it.

Inglorious Basterds
Inglorious Basterds

Another fantastic film.  For me, this is one of Tarantino's best films.  Christopher Waltz who plays 'The Jew Hunter' won an Oscar for this film, and if you've seen it, you'll know why - just the opening scene alone was enough to win that for him - and the actor in the opening scene with him is equally amazing. It's another fantastically clever film going back to WW2 (typically not a type of film I'd like to watch) again featuring Brad Pitt (yummy!).  It's a typical Tarantino film, plenty of violence but oh so clever. It's argued that it's set in a Tarantino fictitious world and ties in with a lot of his other films - I'll let you read up on that as there's whole sites dedicated to it :)


Unless you really don't like Will Farrell then the chances are you love Anchorman too.  It's full of great one-liners: Milk was a bad choice, I'm in a glass cage of emotion, Where'd you get those pants at the toilet store? - Yep, awesome film full of utter silliness.  Another film I watch on a regular basis, it always makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face :D

Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift
Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift

A bit of a curve-ball film here.  If you know me in real life, you'll know I love fast cars (yet only have a provisional license), I know quite a bit about cars and I'm obsessed with Japan - throw this all together and you have Tokyo Drift.  I don't know what it is that I love about this film more than the other Fast & Furious films, but I know I love the cars and the drifting, I love that they're in Tokyo and I love the story, I think this is a bit of an unloved film with the masses yet it's one of my favourites.

So, as much as that top ten will change whenever you ask me, they're pretty much always up there - below are my honourable mentions, other films I adore and if this was a bigger list, they'll all be on it too - so if you're ever bored and want a new film to watch, have a pick from this list and hopefully you'll find a new film you love :)

Honourable Mentions:
Up in the air
Django Unchained
Spirited Away
The Cat Returns
Kiki's Delivery Service
Howl's Moving Castle
Our Idiot Brother
Step Brothers
The Hangover
It's a Wonderful Life
Life is beautiful
Oh brother where art thou
The Big Lebowski
Wreck it Ralph
Monsters Inc
Monsters University
Kill Bill 1 and 2
Jackie Brown
Pulp Fiction
Ghostbusters 1&2
Lord of the Rings trilogy
... and so many more ...



  1. Great list, I've got so many favourite films but I think Kill Bill 1&2 are my favourites I can watch them over and over and never get sick of it :)

    Jamie-Lee|Glitter Infatuation Beauty & Lifestyle Blog!

    1. Thanks :) Kill Bill 1 & 2 are awesome films, love them both :D

  2. Amelie is my favourite movie. So lovely!
    Water Painted Dreams xo

  3. Do you have Totoro on DVD? Been looking for someone to borrow it off as its on my to see list! If you do can I nab it one day? hehe!

    Two Hearts One Roof

    1. Hey :) I do! However, I'm very very precious over my Studio Ghibli collection, a bit like Gollum with his ring in LOTR :P

  4. YES! YES! YES! I 100% agree with you. These are amazing movies. Fight Club, Totoro, Tokyo Drift. <3
    Carolyn | BLOG

  5. My Neighbour Tortoro was the first anime film I saw and I loved it :) Anchorman is also one of my all time favourites too - one I always go to if I need a laugh xx


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