Tuesday 17 June 2014

My favourite Summer jewellery

Favourite jewellery for summer
Dorothy Perkins daisy necklace

pink earrings

I don't wear that much jewellery, I have a respectable collection, but there's not that much I wear on a daily basis.  These three picks are the pieces I'm reaching for more than anything at the moment.

Dorothy Perkins flower necklace - £12
For some reason this isn't on their website, typical!  But basically a couple weeks ago, I was feeling a bit down in the dumps and headed out for a walk for my lunch at work.  As I walked past the DP window, this necklace was on show, and it really caught my eye (something shop displays almost never do).  With that, I popped in to take a look, found it straight away (it came with a pair of teardrop earrings in the same colour too), and bought it as a little treat to myself to cheer me up :)  Whenever I wear this necklace it just makes me happy, it's so pretty and not to OTT, I love it!  Perfect for the Summer months too :D

Peach/pink earrings
Sadly, I have no idea where you can get these, I bought them from a jewellery party a few years ago that I hosted, I think I paid around £4 for them.  I also have a purple pair, but these go beautifully with my DR necklace (above), they're simple, understated and yet a bit of bling too :)  I love earrings that clip up at the back like these do, if they're the normal kind (drop) I lose them so easily as I usually wear scarfs and they seem to pop them out.

Michael Kors rose gold watch - £220 (I think it's a bit cheaper now)
The year before last I bought this with two lots of birthday money I had from my Nan and Step Dad, and some dividends I had.  All I knew at the time was that I wanted a Michael Kors rose gold watch, I went to John Lewis, tried a couple on, and as I was about to buy on, the lady serving me was trying to find the box for the one I wanted, and with that she found this one, it wasn't even on display yet.  I immediately loved it, it was so me!  I love watches but never had many before and certainly not one as expensive as this, but I really wanted a nice watch.  Well, I've pretty much worn it every day since I bought it 2 years ago and you know what, the screen doesn't have 1 scratch on it, despite me knocking it into things all the time :)

I think the rose colour has faded a little, but when you see it next to a gold watch you can really see the difference :)

So there's my favourite pieces of jewellery at the moment, I hope you liked this post, something a bit different from my typical makeup reviews :)

What's your go-to piece of jewellery?



  1. UH!!! I need that necklace! It's sooo lush! I have seen loads of these flower necklaces around, they are so lovely.

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo

    1. It's gorgeous isn't it :) As soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it :D

  2. I love the necklace. The pink colour is gorgeous!
    Water Painted Dreams xo

  3. I love your watch - very jealous, i've been hinting to Dave for a MK watch for ages, I'd like a rose gold one too. xxx Laura

  4. I must wear my rings everyday. Other than that I usually have my necklace and watch on and earrings in. Thinking about that now, its quite a lot.
    I too love my MK watch, it's held up quite well.
    Carolyn | BLOG

    1. You know what, I should have photographed them too! Always have on my wedding & engagement ring, and a silver band on my right thumb #blondemomentbutimaredhead

  5. I hardly wear jewelry, but those pieces are so pretty! I love that they're very feminine and not too overpowering. Lovely!

  6. Such a pretty necklace, both the colour and design :)

    Vanessa The Other VW xxx


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