Friday 13 June 2014

Bourjois 1 seconde volume mascara (waterproof)

Bourjois 1 seconde mascara

Bourjois 1 seconde mascara wand

This wand literally has balls, how random is that!

bourjois 1 seconde mascara - 1 coat

bourjois 1 seconde mascara - 2 coats

After all this time of having a decent camera (DSLR), I think I've finally nailed the mascara pics! Hubby helped me set up the camera on a tripod while I was facing the window (always did these free-hand before).  Oh, and sorry for the crazy wide-eyes in the last pic, the sun was so bright it was hard keeping my eyes from squinting.  I've included this in my Summer series because it's a waterproof mascara, so perfect for hot sweaty days, or days at the beach/pool dipping in and out of the water :)

So, we have a new mascara review (available in stores for £9.99* in Boots or Superdrug)!  I'm not sure if I'm a bad blogger for this, but *whispers* before this I'd never tried a Bourjois mascara before *eek*.  I'll slap my own wrist for that.

So when this little beauty landed on my door mat, I might have let out a little squeal of excitement. These are new mascaras that Bourjois have launched, this being the waterproof edition.  Let me just say this, before I get into the review, when they say waterproof, they really do mean it! It took them being soaked in Bioderma and furiously rubbed to get this stuff off, after a full day's wear.

Here's what the product claims
* 16 hour hold
* Immediate coating (thanks to the 'wraparound spheres')
* Ultra black
* Eye catching design

So, how did it fair against those claims.  In fairness, it knocked every last one of them out of the park. First up, the 16 hour hold.  At the end of the night after wearing this all day, my lashes still have a curl (which it kindly gave them) and not a bit of it had budged, it still looked like I'd freshly applied it.

Next - immediate coating.  You know how some mascaras are great, but they take quite a bit of work to look like that, coating them again and again?  Well, I didn't have to do that with this, it was very quick and easy to coat the lashes, I have it about 20 seconds between coats and I was good to go.

Ultra black - yep, as you can see in the pics, this is a nice deep dark black formulation, exactly the type I go for.

Eye catching design - I love the design of this (mirrored packaging), the only let-down is it can get hard to find it in your bag as it's mirroring everything around it :)  However, it's shininess helps it stand out.

All in all, I really love this mascara, if it wasn't so much work to remove, I'd be wearing this every day. Now what I'd like is to get my mitts on the non-waterproof version of this to see if it lasts as well - any of you tried it yet?



  1. I have the non-waterproof version of this which is much easier to get off, but still lasts well throughout the day. It looks lovely on your lashes! x

    1. Thanks Kat - it's a pretty special mascara isn't it :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I wasn't sure about this mascara when it first came out but after seeing the good reviews and after reading yours I definitely need to give this one a go! x

    1. It really is good Becky, if it were easier to remove, I'd be wearing it every day without fail :)

  4. Thank you for the review I was looking at this in boots the other day but chose to leave it as wasn't too sure about it think I'll be popping out to get some this weekend.

  5. Ah, I wish this was available in my area! It sounds awesome.
    Carolyn | BLOG

  6. Every review of this mascara I've read has been good! I need a new one after being disappointed by the L'Oreal Telescopic so think I'll get this xx


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