Thursday 15 May 2014

Michael Kors bronzer in Flush

Michael Kors bronzer in Flush

Michael Kors bronzer in Flush - open
 Michael Kors bronzer in Flush £34*

Michael Kors bronzer in Flush on the cheeks

Michael Kors bronzer in Flush on the cheeks
** No photoshopping here :D  All my wrinkles and pores on display :P **

To call this a bronzer, doesn't feel quite right , it's pink, and most definitely a blusher, but it's part of the Michael Kors bronzer capsule collection.  In all of the Michael Kors makeup I've tried, this is probably my favourite.  The quality is amazing.  Now don't get me wrong, I like Sleek blushers, but one touch of a brush in the product and you already have too much - personally, I prefer a firmer product, one I can swoosh my brush around without picking up too much.  Chanel is like that.  I adore the packaging on this too, it's elegant, sturdy, classy and simple, just utterly gorgeous.

Yes this isn't the cheapest product, but you do get a serious amount of bronzer blusher for your money, 21g to be precise - to put that in perspective, compared to the Benefit Rockateur (5g) you get 16g more blusher, that's 4 times as much!  The Benefit blusher is £23.50, and the Michael Kors one £34, hardly 4 times as much - so by the gram, the MK one is much cheaper (that's my beauty blogger logic anyway) :)

It's an absolute dream to work with, it doesn't splodge it all out on your cheek and make you look patchy, it works into a soft glow, and while my pictures my not do it justice, it really is a beautiful shade, one I've been wearing almost every time I've worn makeup for the last month.

There's no doubt about it that it's a luxe product and will you ever really use it all?  Probably not, certainly not if you're a beauty blogger like me with far too many blushers in your set of IKEA Alex drawers.  If you're ever near one and are able to swatch it, definitely do it, you might just fall in love with it like I have <3

This months Biggest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Jaina from Which Beauty Box UK

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*This post contains a PR sample, all opinions are my own


  1. So pleased you have taken and shown honest pictures with no editing, makes us feel human again :)

    Frankie Boo Blog

    1. Thanks :) The only editing I ever do to my pics is cropping them, making them a bit brighter if they're a little dark and adding text sometimes :) I never retouch or airbrush etc :)

  2. This looks absolutely beautiful!
    Water Painted Dreams xo

    1. It really is Hayley, it's gorgeous, utterly beautiful!

  3. I just adore the iconic Michael Kors packaging on this!
    Laura | A Life With Frills

  4. This looks lovely on you =)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh wow that packaging is so unique! What a beautiful bronzer.

  7. I love the MK packaging. The gold is just so ahhhh beautiful!


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