Saturday 2 February 2013

Maybelline Blusher in Flash Plum

Hi guys! Happy Saturday!!!

I hope you've got yourself a cuppa, have your feet up and are ready for a nice little review?  Good, lets get started then :)

Maybelline ExpertWear blush in Flash Plum (79) £5.19 in Superdrug

They say "Maybelline Expert Wear Blush with jet milled spherical powders provides soft, true, fade-free natural color for hours and hours."

My Thoughts

I picked this up a couple of months ago, I loved that it's a deep berry colour, something really different from anything in my collection.  I tend to go for blush pink sort of colours, so this was something nice and different :)

The camera didn't pick this up, but it has a really delicate soft gold shimmer running through it too, which makes it look so pretty on the cheeks.  For me, this is the perfect wintery shade, giving you lovely flushed cheeks like you've just come in from outdoors playing in the snow :)

As for how well it lasts, it's pretty decent, I get the best part of a days wear out of it, but it does fade a bit over the day, so if you were heading out after school/college/uni/work etc, it'd be a good idea to bring it with you and just run it over your cheeks again before heading out.

There are however, two things I don't like about this.  The packaging is one, it actually broke on me pretty quickly, one of the hinges snapped, so it can be a bit awkward to use if you're holding a mirror with one hand.  The other thing is the texture.  It's a very dry blush, and whilst that can be good so that you don't apply too much, it does mean that you really have to work the brush over it to pick up enough.  You know when a blush or eye shadow goes shiny on top and stops picking up new product?  Well that's what's started to happen with this, so I have to keep scratching it up, which isn't ideal.

Overall I really like this blush, it's just a shame it's not put together a bit better, but the colour is beautiful :)

What's your favourite Maybelline blush?

This months big pixi3 advertisers are the lovely Laura from A Scottish Lass, Tasha from Belleza Kisses, Gem from Miss Makeup Magpie, Luchessa from Luchessa, Sally from The Human Mannequin - be sure to head over to check out their beautiful blogs <3



  1. This is a gorgeous colour. I seem to always lean towards more bright pink blusters, but this berry colour is stunning!xx

    Natalie Roseanne's Nails and Beauty Blog

    1. It's super pretty, once you can actually pick up some product :)

  2. Great post, I've never seen a review on this before, it sounds lovely! xo

    1. It's really pretty :) a lovely subtle golden sparkle to it too :)

  3. This isn't a colour I'd normally pick up but it looks absolutely gorgeous so maybe I need to be a bit more adventurous! Shame it's not very good quality! x

    1. With the quality, I may have been unlucky, it is really pretty and in a way, it's good that not too much product gets picked up by the brush, otherwise I'd probably look quite scary :)

  4. I've been looking at this a lot whenever I go in Boots wondering if it's a colour I could pull off! The colour does look fantastic against your skin but I think it'll probably be a miss with the quality :( such a pity x

    1. For £5 I'd say it's worth it :) Besides, I may have been unlucky with the quality :)

  5. This is a gorgeous colour, I love pinks with gold tones. Shame about the packaging though, but I guess it's the colour that counts. I may try this one next.

    Lyndsay ♡
    Fizzy Peaches

  6. I like their mousse blushes! I have a pink and a plum colour a bit darker than this but it doesn't have a shimmer. Shame about the packaging!

    Lizzums x

    1. I don't get on that well with their mousse blushes, definitely more of a powder girl :)

  7. It's a very pretty colour, shame about the packaging. Maybe you could depot it into an old compact or something?

    1. If I had a Z palette that would be great, but I still have the issue that it's gone shiny on top, and that's where it's not picking up product too, unless I scratch the surface up

  8. Oh I love that colour! It looks very similar to Nars Sin, so this may be a cheaper alternative for me!

  9. Cute blush, i've heard amazing things about Maybelline blushes!

    Sophierosehearts x

    1. Thanks Sophie :) I think Maybelline are great for so many things, Mascara, Blush, tattoos and some lip products too - oh and nail varnish :)


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