Friday 4 July 2014

Quick update - where I've been


Hey everyone, just a very quick update as I know I've been AFK (away from keyboard) a lot this week. I've basically been ill with labrynthitis (inflammation of the middle ear), I can tell you this, it's not fun.

It started when I woke up on Tuesday morning to get ready for work, I felt really dizzy.  I sat on the edge of the bed for a while, Chris researched on his phone what it could be (thinking pregnancy related stuff).  After eating some sweet food (honey on toast and a glass of OJ) and lying on my left side for a while I still felt the same.  I went downstairs and tried to sit up for a while, but I only felt worse.  So I went back to bed, but I was getting worse and worse.  I yelled at Chris to get me a bucket and managed to hold off being sick, but the room was spinning like crazy.  An appointment was made with the Drs for an hour later and I was diagnosed with labyrinthitis.  

Chris helped me move around the house (I was far from stable on my feet) and kept me fed and watered.  Wednesday was worse, I couldn't even keep my eyes open, the room was spinning so much... think about your worst hangover, waking up in the morning with your head spinning like crazy, that's what it was like.  But even with my eyes closed my eyes were still trying to track onto something to focus on, but they couldn't, so I wore a sleeping mask, wasn't for 6 hrs that I could keep my eyes open, let alone move.

The last 2 days I've been better, but still unsteady on my feet and unable to move my head without feeling really dizzy.  It's only this afternoon in the last hour or so that I've started to feel more normal again.  It's been the weirdest virus I've had, I didn't feel 'ill' as such but so incredibly dizzy and unbalanced.

So that's where I've disappeared to, I hope to be back on the blogging train the next couple of days - posts have been going live over on the mummy blog as they were already scheduled :)



  1. Feel better soon, and you are right I use to have hangovers like that! x

    1. Thanks lovely - yeah, I remember those hangovers well!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks lovely - gradually getting there, a lot better than I was Tues/Weds!

  3. Aww bless you, I have had it too (love the pic and what a fab film) and it really isn't very nice, I hope you are feeling much better xx

  4. Hope your feeling better, what a weird virus!

    1. Yeah - it's weird to think a virus like this even exists! Thanks Andrea :)

  5. Awful, I hate dizziness so much because you really can't do much when you're feeling that way! I'm sorry you've been so poorly :( x

  6. OMG you poor thing! Make sure you take it easy - your hubby sounds like such a lovely man xx

    1. Thanks lovely, it's not been a picnic! Yeah, he's a keeper!

  7. Glad to hear you're on the mend, sounds absolutely awful :( xxx

  8. Oh that sounds awful. I recently woke up at my boyfriend's house with a weird light headed kind of feeling that made the room sway slightly but it was nothing like as bad as your symptoms sound and I felt bad enough :( P.s. loving your new blog design, did Carly do it? x

    Becky @ The Little Blog of Beauty


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