Tuesday 1 July 2014

Ojon rare blend infusion shampoo & conditioner

The worlds best smelling shampoo (the conditioner is nice too)

Beads in the worlds best smelling shampoo

These pics were taken a little while ago, there's not much left of them now :)  There's one thing you need to know about this shampoo (just put the conditioner out of your mind for a moment), it might well be, the best smelling shampoo you'll have ever smelt, or will ever smell.

It's like, warm white chocolate, but not sickly... SO GOOD!  Forget the beads, the rare blend oil, the healing benefits and coconut, for me, this is all about the smell.  Yes, all the aforementioned things are great, they really are, and yes, they make my hair feel lovely (although, I was expecting the beads to burst since they contain Rouge Oleifera, but that didn't happen), but once you've smelt this, you'll never want to wash your hair with another shampoo again.  You'll want to drink it.

Then there's the conditioner, yes it doesn't have that same glugable smell, I mean, yeah it smells good, but nothing compared to the shampoo.  But the conditioner makes my hair feel even more awesome than the shampoo, to the point that I don't use them as a pair anymore. In fact, the conditioner has nearly run out while I have half a bottle of shampoo left.  They're both awesome but in very different ways.  One I want to drink, one I don't.

I could write all manner of rave things about the shampoo, but you need to sniff it for yourself!  So, do yourself a favour, head into Boots or your nearest Ojon stockist, find this bottle and give it a good sniff. If you don't think it smells awesome, well... I'll be shamed.

Each bottle will set you back around £21*, but don't worry, you'll get that back in smell :P

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*This post contains PR samples, all opinions are honest and my own


  1. I love the little beads within the shampoo, they give it something a little extra x
    Beautyqueenuk xx

  2. Ooooh the smell sounds amazing! That's bloomin' expensive for shampoo but I'm quite tempted to get a bottle just to sniff..

    Jess xo

    1. Jess it's SOOOOOO good!!! Yeah it's expensive, but worth a sniff :)

  3. I wasn't impressed with this brand at all. Smell was nice, shampoo was disappointing for the price we have to fork out. Glad you liked it though. x

  4. this does sound good, will have to wait for an offer though because my budget wont stretch to £21 :(

    1. Yeah it's a lot of money for a shampoo which didn't completely blow my mind (apart from the smell)

  5. I've never tried anything from Ojon before, but I loveeeeee shampoos/conditioners which leave my hair smelling good so I'll have to have a sniff! Xx


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