Monday 30 December 2013

New year, new changes

Me and the hubby at Christmas in Ireland

Hello beautiful people!  Wow, it feels good to be writing on here again :)  This must be the longest I've gone without writing a blog post in over a year and a half, certainly the quietest month I've had.  In the 2 months leading up to Christmas, I literally didn't get so much as 1 evening to myself, and as a result I struggled to find the time to blog, and when I did, it wasn't exactly my best work.  The time I've spent away from blogging has been lovely (spent Christmas in Ireland with my family) and much needed and in that time I've made some decisions.

For the last 18 months or so, I've blogged pretty much every day.  That itself takes about 30 hours a week on top of my 40 hr a week job.  So, I've decided to cut back a little and at least try not blogging every day.  Instead, I'm setting myself a schedule of blogging every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and uploading new videos to YouTube every Tuesday and Saturday.  There may be other posts that crop up that I want to share with you on the other days which I will, but the base posts will be on those days.  I'd just like to get a bit more balance in my life, more time to spend with my hubby, more time for fun things like gaming (xbox, PC and board) and more time to devote to my YouTube channel which has also suffered in recent months.

On the back of that, I've made a couple of new years resolutions too.  I don't normally make them, but this year I set myself a couple that I felt were achievable and really wanted to do.  In no particular order:

*  Pass my driving test (I've just started learning)
*  Be more healthy (it's not all about losing weight, but being healthier in general)
*  Maintain my new blogging schedule of at least 3 posts a week (it may well end up being more than this!)
*  Devote more time to my YouTube channel and upload more regularly (upload 2 videos a week)

I hope you've all had a fantastic Christmas, thank you for your support over the past year.  What new years resolutions are you making this year?

This months Biggest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Jess from Coffee & Cosmetics



  1. Glad you had a good Christmas. You have set yourself some good achievable goals! Its definitely a good idea to find balance in your life. Hope you have a lovely new year :)
    Bella Coco

  2. Good to see you back and glad you had a good Christmas. Good luck with your goals x
    Beautyqueenuk xx

  3. I'm right there with you on the whole "be healthier" thing. I've joined a local gym and plan to go at least 3 times a week to both do cardio/weights and to swim laps. It's not about the weight at all, it's all about being healthy and treating my body right! Good luck to you! :)

  4. Keeping to a blogging schedule is top of my goals and resolutions for the year too! Good luck with driving btw, I am sure you will pass in no time :)

    Sophierosehearts x

  5. Good luck with your resolutions! And have a happy new year :)


  6. Happy New Year Georgina - glad you've had a good Christmas! Getting the life/work/blog/play balance is so difficult - good luck I'm sure you'll succeed with all your goals! xx

  7. I really enjoyed my Christmas break too. It is so nice to just do nothing! I've started switching my laptop off quite often on the weekends now and really enjoying them.
    Good luck with your resolutions. x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life


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