Monday 16 December 2013

Balm Jovi palette by theBalm

thebalm Balm Jovi palette

balm jovi palette

amazing palette

beautiful colours

arm swatches of shadows

arm swatches

eye shadows on eyes
 REM over the lid, The Stroke through the crease - apologies, my camera doesn't pick up colour of eye shadows very well :(

balm jovi eye shadows

blusher on cheeks
The blusher 'Don't you want me' on my cheeks :)

Behold, the Balm Jovi palette by theBalm!!!  This little beauty I've been eyeballing for months now, not only because I'm a rocker myself and loved the names of the eyeshadows, but also because the packaging looked amazing, and the colour combinations looked brilliant too.

I'm not really sure where to start with this review, so I'll work backwards and start with the blusher. This is the most beautiful blusher I've ever worn.  I've had the palette for about... 6-8 weeks now and I've literally worn this shade every single day.  It's a beautiful dusky coral peachy pink, highly pigmented.  Just 3 dabs of my blusher brush in the product and that's enough for one cheek.  It stays in place all day and looks super pretty.

The eye shadows.  What a beautiful combination - purples, neutrals, gold, silver, burgundy and mattes. All highly pigmented (I know 'The Stroke' doesn't look it in the swatch, but when I was swatching it the surface went a little shiny, so the swatch didn't come out right), soft and quite buttery, not dissimilar to Urban Decay.  Lead Zepplin and Alice Copper are really beautiful shades and blend really well. Most of the shades all compliment each other fantastically too, whether matte, satin or shimmery.

The highlighter is really great too, it's not overly glittery but adds a beautiful glow to your cheekbones.

Overall I adore this palette, I've pretty much not used anything else since I received it from Beauty Chamber and I'm close to hitting pan (just on the edge) on the blusher because I've used it and adore it so much!

This palette costs £34* and is available from Beauty Chamber, in my opinion it's worth every last penny!

(on a random side note, today it's mine and hubby's anniversary of how long we've been together, 12 years!  Totally crazy!)

This months Biggest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Jess from Coffee & Cosmetics



  1. Ooh this looks so pretty :) although I have a feeling I couldn't bring myself to use it as it wouldn't look pretty anymore!

    Danniella x |

  2. What a gorgeous pallete! I love the look you created :) x

  3. Haha, dying over those great names. 'Living on a Stare' lol! Is the balm a cruelty-free company? I'm sorry, you may have answered if you use cruelty-free stuff before but I noticed on your about page you're a vegetarian (me too!) so I assume so (couldn't see if you posted about cruelty-free there) but I must ask :)

    1. They're great names aren't they :) TheBalm are cruelty free (whoop!) - I certainly try to use cruelty free products over non-cruelty free products, but since earlier on this year all cosmetics sold in the UK have to be cruelty free anyway, so even though there are still brands like L'Oreal that might test on products sold outside the UK - all the ones you buy here have to be cruelty free :) WHOOP!

  4. Excellent! I'm still looking for a MAC replacement after their move to China so at the moment I've been using only Australian brands at the moment (as I know they're not allowed to test over here) but I'll look into the balm. :)

    1. Aww I didn't know MAC were selling in China :( Yeah theBalm are AWESOME! I've yet to try something of theirs I don't like :)


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