Friday 3 October 2014

Mini update

baby squidge

Hello my lovelies!  So today is a big day for me, I'll (hopefully) be heading to the hospital to be induced today!  I do need to call this morning to make sure they have a bed, so fingers crossed they do.  Either me or the hubby (on my Twitter account) will be doing updates using the hashtag #squidgewatch if you want to see how my progress is going - but it's likely to be long, I'm not expecting for Squidge to make an appearance until Monday (maybe later) - and I probably won't be replying to the 'any news' tweets or messages - but I'll keep my progress updated as much as I can :)

While I'm in labour, and for a while after while I'm settling in with Squidge, I'm having a range of bloggers guest post on here each day - so please enjoy those posts and head over to have a look at their blogs, hopefully you'll discover some new and great places for beauty reviews :)

If you're interested in following my pregnancy story and adventure into motherhood - head over to my mummy blog - I post regularly on there and would appreciate your support :)



  1. Good luck! xx

  2. Good luck!! Hope all goes well and looking forward to the updates :) xx

  3. How exciting! Good luuuck, I hope it all goes super smoothly. :D

    Raffles Bizarre Blog

  4. I'm SO excited for you! Good luck, and I can't wait to hear your news!!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  5. Good luck, hope everything goes as smooth as possible xxx

  6. So, so exciting! I am really happy for you lovely. Can't wait to hear about Squidge xx


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