Monday 6 October 2014

Guest Post | Halloween Yankee Candle wish list

Hi everyone, my name is Rachel and I blog over at Beautyqueenuk and today I am honoured to be guest-posting for the fantastic Georgina here at Makeup-Pixi3, who by now is quite possibly the mummy to her new baby boy. Georgina's blog is one that I personally have learnt alot from, especially Google Analytics and SEO tips, if you haven't read any of her guides on these, then do, you can find them on the right hand side of this blog!

yankee candle halloween wishlist

Today I thought I would bring a Halloween theme to Makeup-Pixi3 with my Yankee Candle wishlist. I absolutely love Halloween, I just we celebrated the event as well as some of my American friends who decorate their houses and have amazing parties. As a child I used to love Trick or Treating, the joy of getting buckets full of sweets was amazing, it is a wonder how I still have a mouth full of my own teeth with no fillings whatsoever.

With Halloween comes a lot of limited edition products from some of my favourite brands and one of those is Yankee Candle who have some of the most amazingly decorated jars I have ever seen and with a wishlist as long as my arm, these are just a few of my favourites:

1 Halloween Cat Candle Shade - I absolutely love this and it has been on my eBay wishlist for a long time, though sadly it never seems to be available here in the UK. I love cats, have three of them myself and this candle shade is simply amazing.

2 - Ghostly Treats has the scent of gooey marshmallows, imagine them after roasting on an open fire - that scent!

3 - Happy Halloween Candle which uses a potion of black liquorice spiced with anise and cloves

4 - Candy Corn - The familiar, sweet scent is a fond reminder of Halloween fun and treats.

5 - Witches Brew which is said to be a spicy sweet aroma of exotic patchouli

6 - All Hallows Eve has a mixture of Midnight Jasmine and Evening Air

I love how each one of these jars has its own little theme and how decorative they are, each one of them is designed specifically with Halloween in mind, right down to the actual scent. Even after using them all up, they would look great as storage jars!

Those are just some of the candles I am wanting to get my hands on.  Do you have a favourite Halloween decoration?

Thank you so much Rachel and for your kind words :)  I loved this post!  Be sure to head over to her blog and say 'Hi', I'm sure you'll love what you read :)



  1. Witches brew and All hallows eve sound so good! xx

  2. The description for Ghostly Treats sounds amazing.. definitely must track it down and have a sniff!

    // Oh Dollymix

  3. I always love the Halloween candles especially the decoration of them!

  4. I love halloween candles! Great review! x


    Glitter Infatuation - Bloglovin

  5. I really want a new candle! I've had mine for a while now but i just didn't want to buy a new one because i knew that i wouldn't use the old one up :P

  6. I love this post! Every October I get really into Halloween, always buying little bits and bobs for my home to get into the spirit. Love the sound of the liquorice candle!

    Check out my tutorials for Halloween make-up and let me know what you think;


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