Tuesday 18 February 2014

Clogau gold launch their flagship store in Cardiff

Claire jones album

Claire Jones royal harpist

Clogau canapes

Clogau necklaces

Clogau bracelets

Clogau watches

Back on the 23rd January, it was a life changing day for me.  I was invited to a wonderful event at the new Clogau flagship store here in Cardiff, it was a beautiful and elegant evening that I was privileged to be a part of.  The reason it was life changing, whilst the founder was giving a lovely speech about how far Clogau has come, my brother over in France was suffering from a massive heart attack, which he didn't survive.  So, that's why it's taken me a while to write this post, I keep thinking about what I was doing when it happened, and feeling guilty for not knowing.  Anyway, enough of that, lets focus back on Clogau, it's a brand you need to know about.

The shop itself is gorgeous, it's not cluttered, all the jewellery is elegantly displayed and the staff are really friendly.  The decor echo's their brand logo with cutouts in the ceiling, and at the back of the store there is a coffee & champagne bar so they can spoil their customers.

When we arrived we were serenaded by a former royal harpist, Claire Jones, her dress was amazing, she looked like a mermaid!  She gave us a speech later on where she talked about how she's performed for the royal family over 180 times, even performing for the Queen personally, with just her and the Queen in a room together, I felt so honored to have been there to hear her play for us in such an intimate setting.  Clogau have supported her in the launch of her new album with Classic.fm too, which if you're interested, you can find details of it here.

As well as been greeted by a royal harpist, we were also offered bubbly and canapes on arrival, at the time I was doing what would end up being the last day of dry January for me, so I declined the champs and focussed on taking lots of pictures instead.  After mingling with other bloggers for a while, I noticed two very well dressed men had come in, they were no less than two of our Welsh rugby players (Clogau works with the WRU).

The founder of Clogau then gave us a speech about how he started up the company by buying the gold mine, not knowing if he'd even find gold in it.  25 years later and here we are, opening their first flagship store here in the capital of Wales.  Before the girls and I headed off for dinner (sushi) we were given some goody bags (I seriously didn't expect anything!) and I really can't believe what was in them, there was a 50ml bottle of their Am Byth perfume (pictured below), and a charm carrier pendant made up of silver, rose gold and a diamond.  The idea is that you hang a charm off it, but personally, I think it's delicate and beautiful as a necklace in it's own right too.

Clogau am byth perfume

Clogau charm carrier necklace

If like me, you're a bit obsessed with rose gold, you should really check out Clogau, they build a lot of rose gold into their designs and have a fantastic collection of both classic and contemporary jewellery.

A big thanks to Clogau for inviting me to such a wonderful evening.

This months Biggest-Pixi3 advertiser is the lovely Ash from A Beauty Moment



  1. Sounds like a lovely evening, although understandably tinged with a bit of sadness for you.

    I've recently taken a fancy to rose gold, I think it suits my skin tone much better than yellow gold. I've not been into St Davids 2 since the shop opened but I may pop in and have a look sometime :)

    Peppermint and Pearls

  2. I've only ever been to one place with a harpist and it felt surreal!
    Very different from the run-of-the-mill weekend.

    {Teffy's Perks} X

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. The event looked beautiful, I love Clogau Gold and it's so exciting we now have a store here in Cardiff! Alice xx

    1. Thanks Alice :) The store is super lovely, so elegant!

  4. Hi Lovely,

    I know, it was such a lovely night, but so sad to think of what was happening at that time.

    Still thinking of you and hope to see you at an event soon.




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