Saturday 30 May 2015


Every now and then I share one of my video's on here, but I don't do it often.  I was sitting here thinking that may of you might not know that I have a YouTube channel, or even how it came about.

I actually started my YouTube channel before I started my blog, back in November 2011.  I'd been watching some beauty YouTubers after falling into a bit of a lull in the evenings.  The idea of creating video's myself really scared me, which gave me the perfect reason to give it a go.  Most of my fears I'm happy to face, except for spiders, I have a healthy fear of them and it can stay that way!

Throughout my pregnancy and since becoming a mummy, my channel was quite neglected (before that I uploaded a good 2-3 videos a week), but I've started getting back on top of it again and upload about twice a week now (filming on a Monday).  Most of the video's I create are quick 'looks' with fancy music playing over the top, and then the odd chatty video.  I really enjoy the whole process - filming, editing, uploading and enjoying your comments and hopefully 'likes' ;)

I've embedded a few of my recent videos so you can see what they're like :)  If you have any requests just leave them as a comment below and I will try to film them if I can :)

I hope you enjoy them, if you do I'd love it if you'd give them a thumbs up and subscribe <3

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