Monday 18 May 2015

Mummy Monday #4

Welcome to my 4th Mummy Monday, I hope you've all been enjoying the series so far?  Well, I'm going to try and think back through the days and recount our week - it's been a very busy one and I haven't taken anywhere near enough pictures, naughty mummy!

On Monday, it's Mummy time - Squidge spends most of the day with his grandparents in an effort for us all to get used to it ready for my return to work.  I had a to-do list as long as your arm, but I only managed to get a couple of things ticked off it, but they were big things that took time so it's fine. My breakfast was a yummy porridge with a dollop (teaspoon) of seedless raspberry jam, nom! And then I took before and after pics and couldn't quite get over the difference... in fact, it got me thinking about why I wear makeup, which led me to write a post all about it :)

Happy baby
Today we chilled out and had play time at home, if I remember correctly, the weather was rubbish too.  Not much happened, other than lots of play and smiles <3

Sad cat
Weds Squidge spent the day with his grandparents again as I had work-stuff to do.  I had a company-wide meeting to go to, and then I had lunch with my team, whoop.  The only picture I took that day was a screen shot of a George Takei post on FB of this cat's face (I know, what the hell am I taking screen shots of cats faces for... because I'm a crazy cat lady ofc!)

If you can believe it, I didn't take one picture from Thursday! My mother-in-law came over quite early, the weather was horrific (chucking it down with rain all day), so my father-in-law came back and gave us a lift to the mummy/baby club we take Squidge to.  It was really funny actually, he had some proper little tantrums with other babies because he wanted their toys - he cried REAL TEARS... such a delicate flower! After that, we headed to Sainsburys (just next door) and had coffee and cake while we fed the little man and waited for a life home as it was still chucking it down.

Mummy/Squidge day
Friday was Mummy/Squidge day.  We went for a walk around our local park, which he really enjoyed, only on the walk back when I was nearly out of the park did he fall asleep (I went there in the hope he'd fall asleep quickly) so I ended up sitting in the car park while he was sleeping for over 30 mins before walking him home (he'd have woken up if I'd walked him any further thanks to some massive harsh bumps I'd have to push the pram over).  The other pic I took because I turned my back for 2 seconds, he was on the mat, sat up, and when I looked back, he was in the middle of the lounge floor, about 1-2 metres from where I left him! He'd rolled over there and commando crawled :P

Day in Birmingham
I was up and out of the house early as I was going to The Baby Show in Birmingham (read about that here). I got to the station too late to get a proper breakfast (croissant get in my face!) so I ended up with this accidental sugar-filled faux healthy breakfast... then the middle pic is the business for as far as the eye can see - and then finally, coming home 2 hours earlier than planned due to getting around The Baby Show really quickly, whoop.  When hubby picked me up from the station, we drove to a nearby popular lake and fed Squidge while looking at the ducks, it was so lovely as I'd barely seen him that day, or much in the week.

Sleeping Squidge
Another day where I failed to take any/many photo's, except for this one solitary pic.  We visited Dyffryn Gardens (National Trust place) for the... 5th time? It's about 40 mins away, and he only fell asleep 10 mins before getting there, so we sat in the car for a while to let him sleep, this was him sleeping :)

It's been a good week, but very busy.  This week will be quite busy too, I have an exciting meeting with Urban Decay on Tuesday (I'm keeping my fingers crossed he doesn't cry through the meeting!), and then on Friday I'm meeting a work friend who's currently on maternity leave for coffee too (Thursday mummy club as usual).

Oh, and I'll try to take more pictures this week too :)

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