Monday 11 May 2015

Mummy Monday #3

Good morning and Happy Monday my lovelies - I hope you all had a fantastic weekend?  Did you get up to much?  My week has been good, very tiring and challenging, but good :)

Penarth pier
Monday was a bank holiday so the hubby had the day off work, yay! We went to Penarth - first off we  walked around the charity shops (that's pretty much all that was open!) I managed to find a Ralph Lauren sleep suit for Squidge for only £1.50, bargain! After that we walked along the pier, fed the little man, and had some chips while sitting over the sea - such a lovely day :)

Playing in the donut
Tuesday we had a quiet day at home - Squidge played in his Galt Toys donut a lot, he got lots of practise sitting on his knees and holding himself up - he was also rocking in that position, the precursor to crawling! And, the little pic there, I was sitting down eating a cheese sandwich for lunch, I looked over and that was the little face staring at me, FOR THE ENTIRE SANDWICH! LOL

Play date at a friends house
On Wednesday we went over to a friends house (a local mummy I met at mummy club) - Squidge LOVES looking at other babies, so he really enjoys play-dates.  The rest of the day was quiet, we went home, played on the play mat & read stories.

Thursday selfies
On Thursday we'd normally go to mummy club (Squidge, me and my mother-in-law) but because of the election, it was cancelled as they were using the hall for voters, so instead we spent the day at Squidge's grandparents :)

Play date at our house
On Friday afternoon our friend's who we had a play date with on Tuesday came over for a play-date with us :)  It was actually really cute - they were sat there in front of each other and Squidge would keep grabbing toys from his friend, and vice versa - I keep all the cushions around him as he still falls over and I don't want him to bang his head.

Saturday day was good - the in-laws came over in the morning and helped us start to renovate the front of our house to make it prettier and more presentable (I really should have taken before photo's!).  Then in the afternoon we went to a local coffee/tea house called Chaiholics which is in the Roath area of Cardiff - we had THE best tasting carrot cake we've ever had! Squidge was really well behaved and just awesome <3  Unfortunately, we had a terrible night - we went to bed at like, 11:30pm and the little man woke up about 2am, and was unhappy and fussy until about 4:30am, keeping us both up - then he woke up at 6:30am and stayed up - so we all spent Sunday tired!

Family park selfie
Despite being super tired on Sunday, and Squidge spending nearly all morning crying his little eyes out - he was SO tired, but flat out refused to sleep - he normally has a nap around 9am but he didn't nap until just after 12 (he's usually had 2 naps by then). We had afternoon tea at my favourite place in Cardiff (Pettigrew tea rooms) booked in for 1pm, so we parked somewhere nice and took a little walk through Bute Park with the little man in the sling.

All in all a good week, but he's been really difficult to get to nap in the mornings (not all the mornings), so I'm hoping this week is better :)  What has been wonderful is the amount of laughs and giggles we've been getting from him, it's honestly the best sound I've ever heard <3

Quick question for you - do you prefer this time of format for the posts - day-by-day account, or more of a chit chat like last week?

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