Monday 25 May 2015

Mummy Monday #5

Gosh it's been a busy old week!  I've been out with Squidge almost every day, making it one of our busiest weeks since he was born (other than the week we went to Bluestone and London!).  Here's what we got up to :)

Squidge having a happy Monday morning
Monday he spent the day with his grandparents, so I only had him for an hour or so in the morning, and then for the last hour of the day - so this was a morning snap :)  I both love and hate Mondays (like most people eh!) - I love that I get time to film YouTube videos and blog, but I miss him so much. It's all good practise though for when I go back to work :(

Squidge all ready for a day in town :)
Tuesday we had an exciting day in town.  I popped into work to say Hi to everyone, and we did some shopping as well as going on a long walk so this little man slept.  Then I had a meeting with someone from Urban Decay which was great.  Squidge was really well behaved all day, couldn't have sake for a better baby :)  Oh, I did manage to smash my knuckles into the door frame at Costa, it still hurts now :/

Squidge on his secret mission for Fathers Day :)
On Wednesday we went on a secret mission all tied into Fathers Day (going to be putting a gift guide together so watch this space!).  This was how happy he was, at our secret destination :)

Squidge being all moody and model like

Squidge trying to eat his bib!
Back at home in the afternoon I fed him, he decided that his bib was tastier than the food I was feeding him [inserts crying with laughter emoji].  Also, loving the moody model pic above!

Squidge before mummy club
Thursdays is all about mummy club, and my mother-in-law spending some quality time with Squidge.  This was taken before mummy club, Nanny had shared some of her cheese on toast with him and he was LOVING IT! I mean come on, just look at that happy little smile!

Squidge at mummy club
Taken at mummy club - he's always so happy here, he loves seeing and being around other babies, even if he's teething or not feeling great :)

Happy faces
The BEST ice cream I've ever had from Science Cream
Friday was another day we were heading into town, this time to have lunch with a work friend who also has a baby just 3 days younger than Squidge.  After having lunch at Bills we went for a wonder around Mothercare, then Boots, and then we headed over to an ice cream parlour called 'Science Cream' they make ice cream with liquid nitrogen, it's all very cool! (get it!).  Anyhoo, I had a salted caramel ice cream with homemade honeycomb on top and salted caramel sauce - it was honestly, the nicest ice cream I've ever had!!!!!!

Enjoying a Fentimans Ginger Beer
Saturday was a busy day at home.  We did pop to Aldi early in the morning to pick up some washing powder (for baby clothes - love how this smells), some fruit pouches and not much else.  Then at home, the hubby started the mammoth task of mowing the lawn, and I sorted out all the paperwork that had built up on the stairs - that was our day done! At the end of it, I enjoyed a Fentimans (love these!) Ginger Beer from the most recent Degustabox (still have to blog about last months! Hopefully live tomorrow).

Trying out some new products from Neve and Urban Decay
Sunday was a family day - we went for lunch at a local pub called the Ty Mawr - usually a very nice pub for food, a bit more upmarket than your usual pub but we were left severely disappointed this time. Some of our food was cold, sides were brought out ages after the mains, service was slow and the meals came out missing food that should have been served with it, and the cuts of meat others had was awful... needless to say, we won't be going back.  I did enjoy trying out some new products from Urban Decay and Neve though in the morning - you know when you have some new things to try and you get really excited to do your makeup?  Then when you sit down to do it, you really take your time? Yeah, I did that and it was awesome :D

So that's our week - one of the busiest we've had since he was born and I can really feel it.  My left foot is really painful (I think I've sprained a tendon) and I've managed to bash all my knuckles and hands (silly mummy)!

What did you do last week?

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